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Chapter 7 Review. The VA Plan – Stated the executive, legislature, and judiciary court system would together and the number of state representatives would.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Review. The VA Plan – Stated the executive, legislature, and judiciary court system would together and the number of state representatives would."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Review

2 The VA Plan – Stated the executive, legislature, and judiciary court system would together and the number of state representatives would depend on state size

3 The NJ Plan – Gave more power to the congress, and said states could veto (did not depend on state size).

4 The Great Compromise – Stated there would be two houses to balance power.

5 3/5 Compromise – Counted slaves towards the population size

6 Federalism – Wanted to ratify the constitution and shared powers between a government

7 Ratification – In order for this to be done, 9/13 states had to approve

8 Federalist – Wanted the constitution

9 Antifederalist – Rejected the constitution

10 Choose an amendment and explain what this amendment means in your own words. Provide an example of how this amendment plays a role in your life today as an American citizen. Read pages in book about presidents (p. 157-161)

11 John Adams -This president served as a vice-president first, wrote his name on the Declaration of Independence, supported the country during many times of crisis, and showed his efforts during the American Revolution.

12 George Washington -This president was our nation’s first and chose a smart group of people to work with him on the economy and foreign affairs.

13 Thomas Jefferson -This president had new ideas and was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase.

14 Louisiana Purchase Doubled the size of the US. Led to the exploration of the western lands.

15 War of 1812 – Cause was disagreements on shipping and trade. Known as “Revolutionary War II”.

16 The Monroe Doctrine – US did not want European government interfering with the new nation. Written by President Monroe.

17 Manifest Destiny – The fate that the US would expand westward from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.

18 Trail of Tears – Native American journey to the West that was full of great suffering.

19 In your opinion, should the United States have gone to war with Mexico in 1846? Why or why not? -student should choose one side and explain it -reasons for war: desire for gaining land from Mexico -reasons against war: the only reason why the US was involved was because of their desire for land

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