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4.4 Graph Exponential Growth Functions

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Presentation on theme: "4.4 Graph Exponential Growth Functions"— Presentation transcript:

1 4.4 Graph Exponential Growth Functions

2 Vocabulary Exponential Function: y = abx, where a ≠ 0 and the base b is a positive number other than 1. Examples:

3 Exponential Growth & Decay
y = abx

4 Vocabulary asymptote: line that the graph approaches more and more closely, but does not touch or cross

5 Vocabulary end behavior of a function’s graph: the y-behavior of the graph as x approaches positive or negative infinity.

6 Graphing y = bx Graph y = 4x X Y -2 -1 1 2

7 Graphing y = abx Graph X Y -1 1

8 Graphing y = abx Graph X Y 1 2

9 Graphing y = abx-h+k Translates the graph left 2 units
down 1 unit

10 Graphing y = abx-h+k Graph

11 Classwork p. 121 #’s 1-3 (graph the functions)

12 Homework Pg. 122, 1 – 17 all

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