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Thursday, Aug. 22 nd : “A” Day Friday, Aug. 23 rd : “B” Day Agenda  Collect Student Safety Agreements (10 pts XC)  Tour of lab/safety equipment 

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3 Thursday, Aug. 22 nd : “A” Day Friday, Aug. 23 rd : “B” Day Agenda  Collect Student Safety Agreements (10 pts XC)  Tour of lab/safety equipment  Safety Test  1 st semester Initial Assessment  Safety project  Reading/Writing Assignment  Homework: 1.Get SSA’s signed/return for 5 pts x-credit 2.Work on safety project with lab partner

4 Tour of Lab/Safety Equipment Be sure to note the location of: Safety glasses Fire extinguisher Fire blanket Safety shower Eyewash station Gas shut-off valve Telephone Fire alarm pull station

5 Lab Safety Test Hints  Read question #2 very carefully, it’s kind of a trick question…  Question #12 was covered in a safety movie that you didn’t watch...the answer is “D”.  For question #21, just put an “X” in the box if you know where that item is located.  In question #31, “prohibited” means “not allowed”.

6 Lab Safety Test Good Luck!

7 1 st semester Initial Assessment  Because of changes brought about by the new common core standards, student growth and progress needs to be measured and tracked.  In order to measure student growth, an initial assessment and a post assessment must be given.  Don’t worry that you don’t know this material now, by the end of the semester, YOU WILL!  Just do your best…you WILL get participation points. Good Luck!

8 Safety Project Due Dates Objective Procedure Grading

9 Your 1 st lab partner will be……  Get together with your 8:00 partner right now.

10 Reading/Writing Assignment  Effective Jan. 1, 2014, the state of IL banned indoor tanning for teens under the age of 18.  Read the accompanying article and write a paragraph reflection, using the rubric as a guide… cal/illinois&id=9207479

11 Looking Ahead  Homework: 1.Get SSA’s signed/return for 5 pts x-credit 2.Work on safety project with lab partner  You will need your lab folder next time…  Meet the players for fall sports: Friday, August 23 rd

12 Safety Demo  Why do we always have to wear chemical aprons when we’re in the lab?  They’re hot and uncomfortable make me look like some kind of “chemistry chef”!  Why can’t we wear flip-flops in the lab when it’s practically still summer outside?  Here’s why………

13 Safety Demo  Concentrated sulfuric acid, H 2 SO 4, is a very strong and corrosive acid that will “eat through” clothing.  Always wear your lab apron when in the lab.  Wearing old clothing is a good idea too.

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