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Kristallnacht aka “The night of broken glass”

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1 Kristallnacht aka “The night of broken glass”
November 9, 1938 By: Wes Markwood (Silinski, and Ellis) Jewish Synagogue burning down

2 “Map of Central Europe”
Map of Germany and Poland 12, ,000 Polish Jews were herded across the border from Poland to Germany.

3 “The Destruction of Jews of Romania”
Polish Jews’ corpses laying in a Nazi military stable The Polish Jews were taken to military stables where the conditions were horrible. They were not fed for days.

4 This event caused a spontaneous attack against the Jews.
(Silinski, and Ellis) Herszel Grynszpan On November 7, 1938, Herszel Grynszpan; a Jew who lived in Paris, France, shot and killed German Embassy official Ernst Von Rath in Paris, to send a message to the Nazis for forcing his parents out of their homes. This event caused a spontaneous attack against the Jews.

5 Two days later, the Nazis burned down 1,350 synagogues.
(Silinski, and Ellis) Jewish Synagogues burning Two days later, the Nazis burned down 1,350 synagogues. 91 Jews were killed, and 30,000 Jews were taken to concentration camps, where they were tortured for months. 7,000 Jewish businesses were destroyed, And thousands of homes were ransacked.

6 Baustin, Frank. “Kristallnacht
Baustin, Frank. “Kristallnacht.” Middle Tennessee State University education. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan < “The Destruction of Jews of Romania.” H.E.A.R.T. N.p., Web. 23 Jan < Rabbi Eliahu Ellis, and Rabbi Shmuel Silinski. “Kristallnacht.” aish. aish, 31 Dec Web. 21 Jan < “Kristallnacht.” The History Place. N.p., Web. 23 Jan < “Map of Central Europe.” Free World Maps. Google, n.d. Web. 23 Jan <

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