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Bindingbulkinglactose enrobing & coating enrichingfinishingglazingpliability.

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Presentation on theme: "Bindingbulkinglactose enrobing & coating enrichingfinishingglazingpliability."— Presentation transcript:

1 bindingbulkinglactose enrobing & coating enrichingfinishingglazingpliability

2 Surrounding a product with another ingredient for example, dipping fish in beaten egg and then breadcrumbs. The sugar found in cows milk Flour is often the main ingredient in many food products, this forms the main structure of the product When dry ingredients are held together using a wet ingredient How easy something is to mould and shape e.g. Bread dough A smooth shiny coating which gives an attractive finish, e.g. egg wash on pastry Completing the presentation of a food product to a high standard The addition of an ingredient to improve the quality. Nutrients are sometimes added to increase nutritional value.

3 tenderizingshapingsealingplasticity emulsification aerationshorteningelasticity

4 Ability to be moulded and shaped To prevent something from escaping Pastry or pasta: stop filling from leaking Meat: fry at a high temperature to prevent moisture from escaping Creating an attractive product: Shaping by hand: bread rolls Using moulds: jelly Extruding: piping Cutters: biscuits Rolling: pastry Making meat easier to digest and more enjoyable to eat by braking down or softening the connective tissue or muscle Marinating: acids Mechanical: mallet or chopping Cooking: slowly An elastic and stretchy texture created by gluten in bread making When fat coats the flour particles preventing absorption of water resulting in a crumbly texture When air is trapped in a mixture Emulsion: a mixture of two liquids Emulsifier: a substance that stops oil and water from separating

5 settingsolutioncoagulation gelatinisation flavouringpreservativesuspensions fermentation

6 Heated starch granules absorb liquid and swell, and burst to thicken a liquid When something thickens from a liquid to a solid. Eggs are heated they change colour and become firm – set. is when one substance is dissolved in another one, for example when sugar is dissolved in water we get a sugar solution. Using ingredients to make foods firm e.g. Setting jelly using gelatine or setting a custard with eggs When yeast produces carbon dioxide In bread making, yeast is added to flour and water causing the dough to rise. A solid held in a liquid Example: Flour used to thicken a cheese sauce A substance that extends the shelf life of food: it helps food to last longer through freezing, canning, jam-making, or pickling. Fats, sugar and oil are used in preserving. Can be savoury, like herbs and spices, or sweet, like sugar or sweeteners. Sugar helps to soften the sharp taste of food

7 Enzymic browning colloidaldeteriorate dextrinisation viscosityglutenadditivefoams

8 When starch converts to sugar Starting to decay and loosing freshness One substance being dispersed through another Reaction between a food product and oxygen resulting in a brown colour A mixture of a gas and a liquid Example: whipped cream or meringueA substance added to a food product to improve its quality A protein found in flour The thickness of a mixture, e.g. sauce

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