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Objective of Assigned Reading & Lecture Learn one way of analyzing free-form responses to structured oral interviews (e.g., Rudermann et al) How to present.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective of Assigned Reading & Lecture Learn one way of analyzing free-form responses to structured oral interviews (e.g., Rudermann et al) How to present."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective of Assigned Reading & Lecture Learn one way of analyzing free-form responses to structured oral interviews (e.g., Rudermann et al) How to present an empirical study –Notice structure, amt of detail, presentation style etc.

2 Research Question Effects of Commitment of multiple roles on psychological function and leadership skills –Multiple roles could be occupational, spousal, parental, citizenship roles

3 Importance of topic Presents a different perspective on the nature & effect of multiple roles –Change approach to coping with and interpreting involvement in multiple roles

4 Theoretical Background Competing Effects of Multiple Roles Negative –Depletion of resources for other roles (role scarcity) Positive –Generation of resources for other roles (role accumulation) Psychological Social Learning

5 Rationale for negative effects Each person has a fixed amount of resources Multiple roles decrease the amount of resources available for any one role resulting in poorer psychological functioning

6 More roles More opportunities for positive self experiences Higher level of well being More role partners More social support Skills learned in role 1 Skills used in role 2 Psychological Social Learning Rationale for positive effects

7 Summary of contradictory Predictions for having multiple roles Role scarcity => lower psychological functioning Role accumulation => higher psychological functioning

8 Response Rate of Participants 74% of women participating in a women-only leadership development program

9 Demographic Characteristics of Participants Average Age=40 –Range=26-57 92% White Avg. Salary =~78K (SD= ~32k)

10 51% had post-graduate education 84% in Fortune 500 corporations Rank –Middle =49%, –Upper middle =34% –Exec=17% Participants’ Educational & Professional experience

11 50% had children under 18 yrs 71% in committed relationships Family Status Characteristics of Participants

12 Procedure Faxed questions to participants a few days before interview Pilot tested interview qs on 28 women managers Tape-recorded and transcribed each interview

13 Types of Measures Open-ended questions on –Different types of roles managers held –Challenges faced in roles –What are the shared resources? e.g., Are there any dimensions/aspects of personal life that enhance your professional life?

14 Data Analysis Developed initial hypotheses about how personal roles contributed to professional roles while conducting pilot interviews and during the official interviews –grounded theory; Glaser & Strauss, 1967

15 Coding of Interviews 2 raters read 30 interviews ‘many’ times Developed excerpts of each P’s answer Summarized excerpts Organized summaries & sample quotes Compared & contrasted quotes and summaries for each case Identified 13 patterns & themes Examined remaining interviews for add’l themes Based on Boyatzis (1998)

16 Reduction of Data 13 themes reduced to 6 categories Reviewed all excerpts to confirm categorization Developed codebook explaining 6 themes –66.7% to 90.9% inter-rater agreement on coding of themes Not good according to Boyatzis, 1998 Based on Boyatzis (1998)

17 Description of Results Participants perceived that being in multiple roles improved their psychological functioning, gave them more social resources and contributed to their skill development

18 Positive Effects of Personal Roles Theme%Sample Displaying Theme %Rater Agreement Interpersonal Skill 4290.2 Psychological benefits 2375.9 Emotional Support 1990.9 Multi-tasking skill 9.785.7 Personal Interests 6.572.7 Leadership Skill 4.866.7

19 Conclusions Six potential types of resources that people can gain from multiple roles cannot infer how generalizable or how frequent this finding is –Conduct a survey type study with a larger sample


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