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Welcome to Back-to-School Night Mrs. Baker 3rd Grade P-2.

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1 Welcome to Back-to-School Night Mrs. Baker 3rd Grade P-2

2 Welcome to Third Grade! Tonight’s parent information will include: Parent Pamphlet Introduction and Goals Classroom Rules Behavior/Consequences Grades Progress Reports Homework Communication Daily Work Supplies Daily Schedule Parent Expectations Other – Attendance – Bathroom Policy – Birthdays – Star Student of the Week – Class Website – Question cards – Supply List Support

3 All About Mrs. Baker My background – I grew up in Bakersfield, California. – I attended college at CSUB. This will be my 8 th year teaching I have taught grades 1 st through 6 th.

4 My Goals To give students the academic and social skills needed to progress to fourth grade. To create a healthy learning environment, which promotes academic advancement. To develop independence, responsibility, and good study/work skills. To help students make new friends and discover new interests

5 Class Rules Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. 1.Follow Directions quickly 2.Raise hand for permission to speak and get out of seat. 3.Make smart choices 4.Come to school on time and prepared. 5.Keep hands, feet, and objects to your self. 6.Show Respect to everyone Class Mission Statement- Student Generated

6 Conduct Marks = exceptional positive behavior choices = unwarranted behavior choice and code = student had a good day *Student responsibly logs their behavior on their Weekly Progress Report in their Home and School Connection folder.

7 Conduct Code Needs Improvement 1. Talking out of turn 2. Unprepared 3. Off task Making Smart Choices 4. Participating 5. Working hard 6. On task

8 A—0 Check Marks (making smart choices) B –1 Check Mark (warning) C – 2 Check Marks (miss 1 recess) D –3 Check Marks (miss 2 recesses) F—4 Check Marks (call/note home or office referral) *Please remember that some behaviors may result in an immediate referral/detention /visit to the office*

9 Classroom Rewards Rewards for Good Choices -Students add stars for making smart choices. Students will use stars to purchase items at my monthly student store. Each Star = $1.00 -Tickets and Chance drawings -Free Homework, bathroom, or water pass -Prize box -Class Celebration -Positive reinforcement

10 Honor Hour Guidelines Honor Hour is the last Friday of every month. Fun filled outdoor activities and snacks Incentive for students who are responsible with their school work and have good behavior. No Honor Hour- – 10 missing homework or class work assignments – 10- Checks – Suspension

11 Grading Report Card Parent conferences will be held at the end of the first quarter to go over student’s report cards. Progress reports will go out mid quarter. It will include conduct and current grades. Check grades through ParentVue or StudentVue on the PBVUSD website.

12 Grading 100%-90% = A Excellent 89%-80% = BVery Good 79%- 70% = CSatisfactory 69%- 60% = DBarely Passing 59%- below = FFailing Each student will have the opportunity to improve failing assessment scores (69% or lower), if he/she chooses to correct all incorrect problems during their recess time or with instructional aid. I will send home a note informing you of your child’s failing grade. Please sign/return and practice the skills with your child at home for additional practice and mastery. Graded papers will be sent home one-two weeks after they are given. RTI- for students who are still struggling on the concept.

13 Report Card

14 Assessments Spelling Test- Red Hot Words (academic vocab) Reading Comprehension Tests DIBELS (3 times a year)- Fluency, Accuracy, and Comprehension Advance Linguistics- phonics skills test Star Reading and Math Test (quarterly) - taken on computers. Math Quizzes and Tests Grammar Test Weekly Writing Prompt Smarter Balance (online test replaced CST)

15 Basic Math Facts It is very important that all students have mastered addition and subtraction facts through 20. We will be working on multiplication and division this year. Students will need to memorize their multiplication and division facts through 10 by the end of 3 rd grade. I strongly urge students to practice basic math facts by using flashcards on a daily basis. Facts can be practiced during meals, in the car, before bed, during commercial breaks, walking to school, in the bath, etc. Daily practice with basic facts will significantly help your student. Math Facts Scoring Guide 90-100%A (Mastery) 80-89%B (Approaching Mastery) 70-79%C (Satisfactory) 60-69%D (Unsatisfactory) 59% and belowF (Failing) 1 st Quarter 100 Addition and Subtraction Facts in 5 mins. 2 nd and 3 rd Quarter- 100 Multiplication Facts in 5 mins. 4th Quarter- 100 Division Facts in 5 mins.

16 Award Assemblies Award Assemblies will take place at the end of each quarter. You will be notified the date and time. Students receive charms for each award. Awards -Principal’s List -Honor roll -AR –passing test at 85% or higher -Math Facts -2 Character Awards -Homework Award -Perfect Attendance

17 Homework Homework will be assigned on a daily basis and will be collected and graded the following day it is assigned. 1. Language assignment (Tuesday-Thursday)- Spelling Relay 2. Math assignment (math facts or practice book page) 3. Reading Log- (Read 15- 20 minutes) Homework will go home in the Home & School Connection folder. The folder needs to come back to school everyday for other assignments/flyers that may be handed out during the week. Homework will be checked for completeness, general accuracy, effort, and neatness. Homework will be factored into the student’s quarterly Work Habits grade on their report card.

18 Daily Schedule 8:20-8:45 Morning Work 8:45-10:25 Math 10:00- 10:20 Recess 10:50- 12:03 Reading-Literature and Informational 12:03-12:49 Lunch 12:49-1:30 Language- spelling, grammar, vocabulary 1:30-2:15- Written Expression 2:15-2:35 Go over homework and pack up 2:35 Dismissal * Every Wednesday is a 1-hour Early Dismissal

19 Weekly Schedule Monday- Music @ 8:35-9:05 Tuesday- Library @ 11:10-11:45- Every week- 2 book checkout Wednesday- 1 hour early out Friday- PE- make sure students are wearing appropriate clothing. (Tennis shoes, shorts, etc.)

20 Acer Computers 1-1 Technology- Each student is given a Acer laptop. It will be used in class only. Student contracts Student login information- can be found on the PBVUSD website

21 Attendance It is very important that your student comes to school on time every day. If you know that your student is going to miss school, please make sure you notify me so that I can give him/her the assignments that will be missed. It is your student’s responsibility to make up any assignments missed. Any assignment not completed will result in a lowered grade. - I am usually available at recess to give additional help to students and give time for student’s to make-up work.

22 Bathroom Policy Five “911” passes are given each quarter. After students use all their passes, they will earn a conduct mark; resulting in a lowered grade. Please remind students that they have 3 opportunities throughout the school day to use the restroom. Class time- students miss class time when they leave to use the restroom. Some taking 5-10 minutes to return to class. Therefore falling behind in their class work.

23 Birthdays If you would like to bring a treat for your child’s birthday, please contact me or send a note with your child the day before. You may bring store bought items. If your child has a food allergy, please send a box of approved treats with your student to school. *Last 10 minutes of the day

24 Star Student of the Week Each student will have the opportunity to be a Star Student of the week. Student will be given a poster on Friday and will need to complete to share the following week. Students are given special privileges that week. (Class read aloud, line leader, etc.)

25 Baker’s Bengals Website Go onto the PBVUSD website Select Castle Elementary School Select Teachers Click on Teacher’s name Website will include Calendar Events, Great Links, Book Report Information, Back-to- School information, and much more!

26 Key Communication Check Backpacks Daily - Check HW log is filled out and all HW is brought home. - Check that HW is completed and returned to school the next day Provide a quiet place for HW Make sure your student is in school for the entire day. Communicate if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

27 Quick Reminders Class Support Supply List Slips- if you are able to and want to donate, please take a supply slip of your choice located on the door. Vote- School Site Council Elections Questions for Mrs. Baker- email or call 834-5311

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