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Assignment 2A Teaching and learning/researching technologies Group Presentation By Anne Gunson, Leana Anderson, Marisa Edwards and Kahlia Chapman-Hill.

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment 2A Teaching and learning/researching technologies Group Presentation By Anne Gunson, Leana Anderson, Marisa Edwards and Kahlia Chapman-Hill."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assignment 2A Teaching and learning/researching technologies Group Presentation By Anne Gunson, Leana Anderson, Marisa Edwards and Kahlia Chapman-Hill

2 Those involved in this presentation are Leana Anderson, Marisa Edwards, Anne Gunson and Kahlia Chapman-Hill. We are all external students, and do not have the advantage of living near each other…. We are scattered in various locations in the South-West of Western Australia. About Us

3 Process The Assignment was to create an educational resource on an educational topic of our choosing Our first move was creating the template of the website which is our educational resource. Marisa used “Yola” to make the website. Anne came up with the idea, the subject of the resource being recycling, specializing in technology.

4 Allocation Marisa and Anne quickly came up with a few ideas for the resource. They then emailed everyone and asked them to choose a subject. The subjects were allocated as below Marisa: Curriculum link to the resource and, how to make a power point. Anne: Making a poster and posting it to a website. Kahlia: Information on blogging and the power point presentation. Leana: How to make a website and how to use a digital camera.

5 Communication As external students the communication was a little difficult. Our group has communicated primarily through email - it seemed to be the easiest way in which to get in contact with each other. It has also been problematic trying to organize Skype sessions as we are unable to arrange suitable times with each other due to conflicting schedules. Anne and Marisa were able to make telephone contact to discuss different ideas regarding the assignment at various times.

6 PowerPoint Resource PowerPoint is a great tool for the classroom, and encourages interaction from your students. This resource can be used by both students and teachers In this resource it details “How to make a PowerPoint presentation” and “How to make a PowerPoint presentation more entertaining.” I decided to choose PowerPoint as it is very easy for students of all ages to use, and is a great visual tool for teachers By Marisa Edwards

7 How to use a Digital Camera I used my knowledge of YouTube, added two videos to our website that I thought would be effective and useful in educating students on how to use a digital camera. My teacher resource: I explained the target age and what to do with the students. I really believe at YouTube videos and hands on experience is the most effective way of learning and tried to incorporate that in this exercise. By Leana Anderson

8 Information on Blogging The aim of the resource is to make teachers and students feel a little more equipped in the area of blogging. I separated the resource into three subjects: Teachers resource: which details on how to use blogging in the classroom specializing on the subject of recycling. Student resource: which is step by step instructions to create a blog on the popular site “Blogger.” Example of a blog: using the with the subject of By Kahlia Chapman-Hill

9 Glogster Resource What is “Glogster”?..... It is a social network that allows users to create free interactive posters, or Glogs. We have created a student and teacher resource Student’s Resource: Provides a simple power point on how to create a Glog Poster. Students are guided through the various features of a Glog. By Anne Gunson

10 Glogster Resource Continued Teacher’s resource: Provides a resource that would instructs teachers in the setup of student accounts, and how to create a Glog This resource also includes a link to a example Glog with the subject of recycling References are included in the teacher’s resource for more information and support on how to create Glogster By Anne Gunson

11 Website Creation I decided to use free webs as my tool to create a website. I used my knowledge and experience with PowerPoint to create what I thought would be the easiest way to teach a class how to create a website. I believe that the way I did it the website creating activity was the most time efficient and educational whilst still making it engaging and fun for my students. By Leana Anderson

12 Curriculum Link We decided to include a page on curriculum links in our resource so that students and teachers can see how our resource links in with the Australian curriculum. The resource is mostly based around: “7. Students understand and appreciate the physical, biological and technological world and have the knowledge and skills to make decisions in relation to it.” By Marisa Edwards

13 Extra Resources We added a Carbon Footprint Calculator link to our resource as a part of the recycling subject. We also added a page of Helpful Links and Resources for a little bit of extra information for both students and teachers.

14 PowerPoint Presentation When making the PowerPoint presentation we thought it would be easier if we all sent the information to one person to make. And as I already had the software needed I volunteered. Each member of the group emailed the information on what they wanted on their slides and the voice over they wanted. I then made this PowerPoint and added the voice over using the Quick time player software. By Kahlia Chapman-Hill

15 End Result After finishing the assignment we believe that we have successfully made a resource for both teachers and students to access in the future when researching how to use technology, specializing in recycling. We have provided detailed advice for teachers on the usage of technology in the classroom regarding recycling tasks. We believe that this resource will benefit future students’ learning.

16 Thank you for your time and we hope you have enjoyed our presentation

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