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1 Summary Overview Background  Established in 1998 as, a video-sharing site  Purchased in May 2004 by Keith Richman, co-founder.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Summary Overview Background  Established in 1998 as, a video-sharing site  Purchased in May 2004 by Keith Richman, co-founder."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Summary Overview Background  Established in 1998 as, a video-sharing site  Purchased in May 2004 by Keith Richman, co-founder of Billpoint, and changed name to  100% owned by Richman and a few business partners – has never taken any venture financing  Based in Beverly Hills, CA with 20 employees Content  Online entertainment network and community powered by traditional user-generated content  Content base skews toward 15-35 year old male- oriented humor, sports and racy categories  Majority of the content is original and created by users specifically for  Pays $250/ video for videos it wants to feature, incentivizing users to create high-quality videos (est. to spend ~$250K/ month buying user videos)  Generate revenue through banner ($20 CPM) and text ads only – no pre-rolls User Metrics Partnerships  Leverages AdBrite to sell its banner and text ads  Established partnerhsip with Amp’d Mobile in Nov. 2005 to distribute videos through mobile, charging $2.99/ month for unlimited access Unique Users (MM) Web page views (B) Time/ person (min.) 1.41.9 1.3 16.121.515.3 Source: Nielsen//NetRating used for page view, time data, AdBrite;;; Multichannel News; Amp’d Mobile; PureVideo; ComScore Video Matrix Note: estimated to generate ~100MM streams/ month 3-mo. growth: 12.8% * Internal sources estimate uniques of approx 13MM

2 2 Case study: Functionality demo Advertising: Banner ads – no pre-rolls or text Content User-generated Share it with friends (via e-mail) Embed & blog it Interactivity: Promote to home page Rate It Recommend Comment

3 3 Summary Overview Background  Established in 1999 as a P2P digital content sharing site by Simon Asaad & David Carson  Polaris venture capital holds a 25% stake in Heavy  Polaris lead a $10MM round in January 2006  Expected to generate ~$20MM adv. revenues in 2006, a 300% increase over 2005 (recently valued at ~$200MM – source:  Based in New York, NY with 20 employees Content  Broadband entertainment network focused on providing high-quality content  Content base skews toward 18-34 year old male- oriented humor and racy categories  Content is a mix of video, animation, and games created by Heavy and/or its partners, e.g., NBC delivered through distinct channels  Generates revenue through banner ads, pre-rolls, and branded production, e.g., Burger King videos  Ad sales and marketing conducted internally User Metrics Partnerships  Recently announced partnership with TiVo to provide content for TiVo’s VoD service  Established partnership with Verizon Wireless in April 2006 and created a channel on Vz’s V Cast subscription mobile offering  Parnter with Sony PSP, video iPod, and Virgin Mobile to distribute non-wireless mobile content Unique Users (MM) Web page views (B) Time/ person (min.) 0.91.0 0.6 Source: Nielsen//NetRating used for page view, time data,; Multichannel News; PureVideo; ComScore Video Matrix;;; VCMike’s Blog Note: estimated to generate 80-90MM streams/ month 3-mo. growth: (5.4%)

4 4 Case study: Functionality demo Advertising: Banner ads Pre-rolls Content sharing: Heavy/ partner produced channels Share it with friends (via e-mail) Blog it Interactivity: Rate It Comment

5 5 Summary Overview Background  Established in Nov. 2004 as an information and news sharing site by Kevin Rose  Closely held (Rose owns ~30-40%) with minimal venture financing – received $2.8MM round in Oct. 2005 to support initial growth  Expected to generate ~$3MM in adv. revenues in 2006 (recently valued at $200MM – source: BusinessWeek, 8/2006)  Based in San Francisco, CA with ~20 employees Content  Online user-driven news/ information community  Target IT professionals, developers, professional “geeks” and news junkies  Content is a mix of categorized text (primary) and video (secondary) postings from blogs, professional news sites and random Web sites  Users tag news stories they like (dig) and dislikes, driving what content appears on the home page  Generate revenue through banner and text ads only – focused on growing audience with minimally invasive advertising User Metrics Partnerships  Leverages Federated Media to sell its banner ads  founders started a video production company, Revision3, in Sept. 2006  Focused on high-end humor and tech content targeted at young, tech-oriented people  Advertising model is 1950s throwback – based on sponsors named in advance of ‘shows’ by hosts Unique Users (MM) Web page views (B) Time/ person (min.) 0.60.5 1.2 Source: Nielsen//NetRating used for page view, time data,; Multichannel News; PureVideo; ComScore Video Matrix; Federated Media;; BusinessWeek (8/06); Red Herring Note: estimated to generate 20-30MM streams/ month 3-mo. growth: 13.8%

6 6 Case study: Functionality demo Advertising: Limited banner and text ads No pre-rolls (link directly to other video sites, e.g., YouTube) Content User-posted and recommended Share it (via e-mail) Blog it Interactivity: Edit It Rate (Digg) It Comment

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