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EWalk Fall training. Back Channel Chat Sign into ining ining.

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1 eWalk Fall training

2 Back Channel Chat Sign into ining ining create room prior to training, name it with school’s initials: example HHS. Make sure to keep the room open for one week so the DTF can have access to get the usernames. Write the URL on the board or send out the link via email. Email your DTF with the link so they can fix staff logins. Just their fname.lname that they enter to get in.

3 Basic eWalk Navigation Objectives I will log in to my eWalk account and will experience the teacher dashboard. I will create a “Teacher Collection of Evidence 2014-2015” form and will practice uploading a document to one of the criterion.

4 Chrome eWalk works best in Chrome Make the RSD Portal your homepage in Chrome


6 RSD PortalAtomic Learning rs__838 rs__838 Resources HR/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx Choose Atomic learning Then Choose My School’s Training Then choose TPEP and eWalk (for teachers)

7 Log in and use eWalk From the Renton Portal Choose eWalk Click “The New eWalk” Click Manage, then Views Click on your name button at the top. Click on the Category of the form you want to create. In the box on the right click *New Click in the first box and choose Teachers Collection of Evidence 2014- 15. In the bottom box, re-name the form and click *Create

8 Using eWalk You can upload and attach documents to your form. NOTE: For the Collection of Evidence form, you can upload documents at EACH Criterion. At EACH component, you can enter TEXT in the Note box. NOTE: If you upload a document that relates to this Component, make a note in the box to “see uploaded document”. When you have finished adding content or writing in the Note: section, you will want to click “Save & Done” then OK to exit the document.

9 Adding Evidence To add more evidence throughout the year, click on your name button at the top and then the Category then the TITLE of the form (the blue lettering that IS NOT your name).

10 Creating forms The process for creating all forms is the same for teachers: Click on your name at the top, the category on the left and then *New When you have completed a form, you can email your principal from within the form to let them know it is done. eWalk will send a.PDF copy to whoever you want.

11 Opening existing forms To open any forms that already exist, click on the category and then, on the right, click on the blue TITLE.

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