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Blue Sun University Due to rising concerns from faculty, senior administrators, and the occurrence at lawsuits regarding MOOCs at other similar institutions,

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Presentation on theme: "Blue Sun University Due to rising concerns from faculty, senior administrators, and the occurrence at lawsuits regarding MOOCs at other similar institutions,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blue Sun University Due to rising concerns from faculty, senior administrators, and the occurrence at lawsuits regarding MOOCs at other similar institutions, the Provost has created a committee to address captioning at the University. You have received $200,000 to, in his words, “start taking care of the issue.” What do you do? How do you start?

2 Blue Sun Univ. - Background You may appoint whomever you wish to the committee There is no campus policy related to captioning The University has a moderate online presence via institution’s YouTube channel Mostly marketing and communication outreach videos showcasing institutional programs. Some lectures from visiting professors. Faculty are starting to develop 2-3 MOOC classes per quarter and want to engage more with the general public

3 University of Serenity Valley Congratulations! You and your committee are tasked with creating a campus policy to address captioning of all media content produced and used at the institution. Unfortunately, there is no funding for a centralized effort…yet. The administration desires data, both in videos used as well as legal risks, before making any budgetary decisions. What should be part of a policy? What best practices or guidance should be part of campus procedures?

4 USV - Background Most departments purchase the videos they want regardless of captioning or subtitle information. The Communications and Marketing department is starting a YouTube channel to demonstrate important news stories at the University. They are expecting 2 short videos per week. The Library hosts a media server and is the repository for almost all campus media content.

5 Niska State University Congratulations! Your institution just approved a policy that requires all public-facing distance education and news content to be captioned. Your institution is about 35,000 FTE students and more and more students are beginning to participate in DE courses. The campus also has a popular daily news blog for the state (2-3 minute short clips daily). Where do you begin? What models do you propose for the campus? How do you advocate for additional funding?

6 NSU - Background The college has approximately 45 different distance education courses that rotate through the year (½ offered each semester). Courses have a 3-year lifespan. The Disability Services Office offered $35,000 to jumpstart the process (one-time funding). All media content is managed via Library Computing Services and you have $40,000 in on-going funding (plus 3 student workers). The university plans to publish at least 2 courses per semester to the public via the school’s website.

7 Washburne University Your campus just experienced an OCR review and, while there was a very old captioning policy, no procedures or process was defined and so only a few people captioned materials. Outcomes from the settlement agreement include a revised policy written procedures. Senior university administrators have given you flexibility to define budgetary needs. What information should be added to a policy? What procedures do you recommend to support captioning needs? What budget would you propose to start this process?

8 WU - Background The institution has the following media environment: A strong YouTube presence of about 1.5 hours of content per week. Content includes short clips from University events as well as guest speakers and seminars The University is releasing 3 new MOOC courses per semester (~ 30 hours of video each) About 20 courses release the first 3 hours of each course publicly to encourage new enrollment. This content changes each semester.

9 Miranda Community College System You are leading a committee in a 10-campus system and each college is struggling with providing captioned media. Some conduct captioning in-house and others outsource to multiple vendors. The Chancellor has offered financial support to be used as the committee deems appropriate. On-going funding may be available after data is collected regarding the effectiveness of the solution. How do you use the money? What solutions do you implement to address captioning needs? How do you demonstrate the need for on-going funds?

10 MCCS - Background The Chancellor has offered $150,000 to the committee All colleges have some video marketing through short (3-5 minute clips one day per week), mostly using YouTube Approximately 5 colleges are producing 100 hours of DE content per semester, but only 2 hours from each college is shared publicly to highlight possible courses to students.

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