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Weekly Newsletter for (4/13/15) We are learning about main ideas. After reading with your child ask them what the main idea is of the story or of the chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Weekly Newsletter for (4/13/15) We are learning about main ideas. After reading with your child ask them what the main idea is of the story or of the chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weekly Newsletter for (4/13/15) We are learning about main ideas. After reading with your child ask them what the main idea is of the story or of the chapter We are working on developing our own stories and sharing them aloud… We have been talking about irregular verbs. We are also working on correct punctuation and capitalization. Reviewing addition. Beginning division and equal groups. Drawing a picture to understand the problem. Spelling Skill this week: Practice Spelling words Practice our handwriting daily! Working on writing paragraphs. Science project due April 24 Learning all about the saving money! Project is due April 13. Class pics are 4-17. Earth Day is 4-22 = assessment 2 nd Grade Sentence: The doctor had coffee for breakfast. =Friday Spelling: 2. ready 3. omit 4. eight 5. ate 6. break 7. breakfast 8. any 9. anyway 10. chance 11. climb 12. coffee 13. color 14. day 15. daily Challenge: 1. expense 2. bananas

2 Insert Spelling List Here

3 View Samples of Newsletters on my Classroom Facebook Page GilkisonClassroom

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