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Zero: Infinity’s Twin By Travis Mackoy. Life Without Zero oZero was not needed in primitive societies oMathematics was originally “one” or “many” o30,000.

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Presentation on theme: "Zero: Infinity’s Twin By Travis Mackoy. Life Without Zero oZero was not needed in primitive societies oMathematics was originally “one” or “many” o30,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zero: Infinity’s Twin By Travis Mackoy

2 Life Without Zero oZero was not needed in primitive societies oMathematics was originally “one” or “many” o30,000 year old Czechoslovakian wolf bone found with notches, indicating counting.

3 Babylonians Used a sexagesimal system, based on the number 60.

4 Greeks oThe Greek mathematical system was based on geometry and did not need zero as a placeholder, or as a stand alone number. oThe Greeks would share astronomical data with the Babylonians and therefore knew about the placeholder zero, but as a number it would not be accepted.

5 Hindus oThe Hindus in India did not fear zero as the Greeks did oBrahmagupta, an Indian mathematician, first worked on the properties of zero as a stand alone number in the 7 th century. o“The sum of a positive number and zero is positive…the sum of a negative number and zero is negative. oZero divided by zero is zero. on divided by zero is n/0 and zero divided by n is 0/n.

6 Hindus oThe Hindus in India did not fear zero as the Greeks did oBrahmagupta, an Indian mathematician, first worked on the properties of zero as a stand alone number in the 7 th century. o“The sum of a positive number and zero is positive…the sum of a negative number and zero is negative. oZero divided by zero is zero on divided by zero is n/0 and zero divided by n is 0/n.

7 Hindus oThe Hindus in India did not fear zero as the Greeks did oBrahmagupta, an Indian mathematician, first worked on the properties of zero as a stand alone number in the 7 th century. o“The sum of a positive number and zero is positive…the sum of a negative number and zero is negative. oZero divided by zero is zero on divided by zero is n/0 and zero divided by n is 0/n.

8 Hindus Cont. oMahavira writes a book in the 9 th century as an update to Brahmagupta’s book. oA number multiplied by zero is zero. oA number remains unchanged when divided by zero.

9 Hindus Cont. oMahavira writes a book in the 9 th century as an update to Brahmagupta’s book. oA number multiplied by zero is zero. oA number remains unchanged when divided by zero.

10 Hindus Cont. oMahavira writes a book in the 9 th century as an update to Brahmagupta’s book. oA number multiplied by zero is zero. oA number remains unchanged when divided by zero.

11 Hindus III oIn the 14 th century, Bhaska writes a book continuing to try to explain the mathematical properties of zero. oZero squared and the square root of zero are zero. oHe concludes that n/0 = infinity.

12 Hindus III oIn the 14 th century, Bhaska writes a book continuing to try to explain the mathematical properties of zero. oZero squared and the square root of zero are zero. oHe concludes that n/0 = infinity.

13 Hindus III oIn the 14 th century, Bhaska writes a book continuing to try to explain the mathematical properties of zero. oZero squared and the square root of zero are zero. oHe concludes that n/0 = infinity.

14 Islamic Influence oAl-Samawal writes: oIf we subtract a positive number from zero, the same negative number remains… oIf we subtract a negative number from zero, the same positive number remains.

15 Islamic Influence oAl-Samawal writes: oIf we subtract a positive number from zero, the same negative number remains… oIf we subtract a negative number from zero, the same positive number remains.

16 Cardan oItalian mathematician in the 16 th century that solved cubic and quartic equations without using zero! oIt wouldn’t be until the 18 th century that the number zero began to enjoy widespread use.

17 Where nature divides by Zero oAccording to Charles Seife: oA black hole is a zero in the equations of general relativity. oThe energy of the vacuum is a zero in the mathematics of quantum mechanics. oThe big bang is a zero in both theories.

18 Zero Destroys Mathematics

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