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Hmmmmm….  If you were stranded in the middle of the ocean, would you drink the salt water?

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Presentation on theme: "Hmmmmm….  If you were stranded in the middle of the ocean, would you drink the salt water?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hmmmmm….  If you were stranded in the middle of the ocean, would you drink the salt water?

2 Salty Potatoes! 1. Grab 3 slices of potatoes and 2 beakers. 2. Pour 100mL of water into EACH beaker. 3. Pour 2 spoonfuls of salt into ONE beaker 4. Place one potato slice into each beaker, leave one potato slice on a paper towel. 5. In your journal, predict what will happen to the size and texture of the potato at the end of class.

3 The Cell Membrane & Transportation of Molecules Objectives: 1.To describe the role and structure of the cell membrane. 2.Predict how molecules will enter and leave the cell.

4 About Cell Membranes 1. All cells have a cell membrane 2. Functions: a. Controls what enters and exits the cell to maintain an internal balance called homeostasis b. Provides protection and support for the cell Picture of a real cell membrane.

5 About Cell Membranes (continued) 3. Structure of cell membrane Lipid Bilayer -2 layers of phospholipids a. Phosphate head b. Fatty acid tails c. Proteins embedded in membrane Phospholipid Lipid Bilayer

6 About Cell Membranes (continued)  4. Selectively permeable: Allows some molecules in and keeps other molecules out Pores

7 Outside of cell Inside of cell (cytoplasm) Lipid Bilayer Proteins Transport Protein Phospholipids Sugar chains Structure of the Cell Membrane Go to Section:

8 Membrane movement animation Polar heads love water Non-polar tails hide from water. Fluid Mosaic Model of the cell membrane

9 Hmmmmm….  If you were stranded in the middle of the ocean, would you drink the salt water?

10 Reflection  In your journals make a chart and fill in: OWL This is what I OBSERVED That is what I WONDER This is what I LEARNED

11 Hmmmmm….  If you were stranded in the middle of the ocean, would you drink the salt water?

12 Video   “Passive Transport”  “Gills”

13 Passive vs Active Transport  Objectives: 1. Identify the characteristics of Passive and Active Transport that the cell membrane uses. 2. Set up a lab and observe an example of passive transport.

14 Passive Transport  cell uses no energy  molecules move randomly  Molecules spread out from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.  High  Low high low Weeee!!!

15 Active Transport cell uses energy actively moves molecules to where they are needed Movement from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration Low  High high low This is gonna be hard work!! Animations Animations of Active Transport & Passive Transport

16 Types of Active Transport Proteins embedded in the bilipid layer move molecules from a LOW to HIGH concentration. Sodium Potassium Pumps

17 Passive Transport: 1. Diffusion: random movement of particles from high to low  Diffusion continues until all molecules are evenly spaced (equilibrium is reached)-Note: molecules will still move around but stay spread out. Simple Diffusion AnimationSimple Diffusion Animation

18 Diffusion & Dialysis Tube Lab  It is very difficult to measure or see diffusion actually occurring in cells because of the small size of most cells. Dialysis tubing is a manmade semi-permeable membrane that is used to treat people who have kidney failure. It acts similarly to a real plasma membrane. The driving force behind dialysis is the concentration difference between two solutions on opposite sides of the membrane.  Which molecule will diffuse across the semi-permeable membrane? Iodine or Starch?


20 Osmosis Objectives: 1. Collect results from yesterday’s lab and conclude whether iodine or starch diffused through the membrane. 2. Explain the process of osmosis and describe the three ways it can affect the size of a cell.

21 Diffusion & Dialysis Tube Lab Results

22  2. Osmosis: diffusion of water  Water moves from high to low concentrations Water moves freely through pores. Solute (green) too large to move across. OsmosisOsmosis animation

23 Hypotonic Solution Hypotonic: There is MORE water in the solution than inside the cell. Result: Water moves from the solution to inside the cell. Animals cells swell and burst, plants cell swell up and do not burst. Osmosis Animations for isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutionsOsmosis

24 Hypertonic Solution Hypertonic: There is LESS water in the solution than inside the cell. Result: Water moves out of the cell and the cell shrinks. Osmosis Animations for isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutionsOsmosis shrinks

25 Isotonic Solution Isotonic: The concentration of water is equal inside and outside the cell. (Equilibrium  homeostasis) Result: Water moves equally in both directions and the cell remains same size! Osmosis Animations for isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutionsOsmosis

26 Osmosis in Red Onion

27 Hypertonic or Hypotonic?

28 What type of solution are these cells in ? A CB HypertonicIsotonic Hypotonic

29 Objective To perform a lab that simulates osmosis. 1. How will you make your “cell” shrink? 2. How will you make your “cell” swell? 3. How will you make your “cell” stay the same size?

30 -What solution is in the beaker? - What solution is in the “cell”? - What do you think is going to happen to the weight of the “cell”? -What solution is in the beaker? - What solution is in the “cell”? - What do you think is going to happen to the weight of the “cell”? -What solution is in the beaker? - What solution is in the “cell”? - What do you think is going to happen to the weight of the “cell”?

31 Osmosis in Dialysis Tubing Lab  1. Gather one piece of dialysis tubing.  2. Rub the tubing between your fingers until it opens up to form a tube. BE GENTLE DIALYSIS TUBING CAN EASILY RIP!!!!  3. Once the tubing has opened twist one end shut and tie a knot at least 2 cm from the edge.  4. Fold the tail upwards and tie a second knot if possible.  5. Fill the tube with a solution of your choice and check for any leaks.  6. If no leaks are found twist the top end of the tube shut just above the surface of the solution and tie a knot.  7. Fold the tail over and tie a second knot if possible.  8. Dry your tube by gently patting it with a paper towel.  9. Weight the bag on the electronic scale.  10. Fill your cup with 150mL of a solution of your choice.  11. Place the tube in the beaker and add more solution if necessary to cover the tube.  12. Label your cup with your group name, class block and type of solutions used.

32 Objectives:  To collect results from the Osmosis Dialysis Tube Lab and draw a conclusion.  To create a concept map that connects ideas of:  Cell structure  Cell function  Cell transportation

33 Concept Map

34 Concept Map Vocabulary Cells Chloroplast Prokaryotic CellEukaryotic Cell OrganellesCell membrane NucleusRibosome MitochondriaGolgi Bodies Central/Food VacuoleLysosome Endoplasmic ReticulumCell Wall Selectively PermeablePassive Transport Active TransportDiffusion Facilitated DiffusionOsmosis Hypotonic Hypertonic Isotonic

35 Video   “Active Transport”  “Passive Transport”

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