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Homework and Announcements  Science Fair – Top five and a homework pass!  USA TestPrep due on Monday  Today – Vocabulary mind map in notebook  Textbook.

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2 Homework and Announcements  Science Fair – Top five and a homework pass!  USA TestPrep due on Monday  Today – Vocabulary mind map in notebook  Textbook 402-406  Vocabulary quiz next class

3 Table of Contents: Solutions  L.O. SWBAT identify solvents and solutes in a solution. S.C.8.P.8.9 Distinguish among mixtures (including solutions) and pure substances.

4 WordDefinitionExampleDrawing Solution Solvent Solute mixture with a solvent and at least one solute and has the same properties throughout part of a solution usually present in the largest amount substance that is dissolved

5 WordDefinitionExampleDrawing Colloids Suspension mixture containing small un-dissolved particles – too small to be seen but large enough to scatter a beam of light. Fog mixture containing particles that can be seen and easily separated

6 Check your answers  Page 399

7 Draw it out Watch - Poster Draw it out as a table group Solution, solvent, solute, universal solvent (water), examples and Big Idea Put it in your notebook

8 Independent Work  USA TestPrep  Finish Mind Map in notebook  Textbook 402-406

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