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Chapter 10 Center of Gravity. 10.1 Center of Gravity Center of Gravity – (CG) the point at the center of its weight distribution.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 Center of Gravity. 10.1 Center of Gravity Center of Gravity – (CG) the point at the center of its weight distribution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 Center of Gravity

2 10.1 Center of Gravity Center of Gravity – (CG) the point at the center of its weight distribution

3 10.1 Center of Gravity

4 CG’s follow a smooth parabolic pathway when the object is thrown through the air


6 10.2 Center of Mass Center of Mass – point at the center of an object’s mass distribution, where all its mass can be considered to be concentrated. –(generally the same as center of weight)

7 10.3 Locating the Center of Mass For a uniform object: –find the geometric center or midpoint also known as the balance point

8 10.3 Locating the Center of Mass

9 The CG of an object may be located where no actual material exists. –For example, where is the CG of a doughnut?

10 10.4 Toppling Rule for Toppling: –If the CG of an object is above the area of support, the object will remain upright. If the CG extends outside the area of support, the object will topple.

11 area of support


13 Why does a football player stand with both feet apart?

14 to increase the size of his support base

15 Why does he bend his knees?

16 to lower his CG

17 10.5 Stability Unstable Equilibrium – the state of an object balanced so that any small displacement or rotation lowers its CG –(EX: paper cone on its tip)

18 10.5 Stability Stable Equilibrium – the state of an object balanced so that any small displacement or rotation raises its CG –(EX: paper cone on its base)

19 10.5 Stability Neutral Equilibrium – the state of an object balanced so that any small movement neither raises nor lowers its CG –(EX: paper cone on its side)

20 What happens to the CG of a building that has structure below ground?


22 It lowers causing greater building stability.

23 10.6 Center of Gravity of People Different people have different CG’s. EX: men and women have different CG’s due to weight distribution

24 Chapter 10 Key Terms Center of gravity Center of mass Neutral equilibrium Stable equilibrium Unstable equilibrium

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