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TESLA Rocket Project Lecture #3 10/28/15

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Presentation on theme: "TESLA Rocket Project Lecture #3 10/28/15"— Presentation transcript:

1 TESLA Rocket Project Lecture #3 10/28/15

2 Critical Path Activities
TESLA Rocket Overview & Other Stuff Next Week Evening Session?

3 Select Key Activities PM: SE: Schedule integration – Review next week?
Competition requirements summary – Review next week? Data submission for competition – Due this week, review with mentor How much money do we have left SE: Flight performance prediction (RASAero) – Review next week? Competition now requires 10 lbm payload capability Rocket CAD layout Mass proprieties Recovery: Recovery logic definition

4 UPDATED Project Task Summary
Program Management: Completion of the program on time and on budget Competition Requirements Summary Schedule Development & Management Aerojet Rocketdyne Grant Proposal Project Finances Fund Raising Logistics Competition Coordination Support rocket build Systems Engineering: Prop valve actuator mechanism design Rocket mass properties estimation & tracking Flight performance analysis Stability analysis Requirements management Aerodynamic drag estimation Provide analysis support to other teams Recovery: Recovery system requirements development Recovery system concept development Fab parachute & recovery hardware Develop recovery logic Engine / Feed System: Define rotary actuator requirements Upgrade ground test stand (propellant valves) Develop a new ignition system design Test stand calibration Engine test conductor Flight feedsystem & valve actuator design Support rocket build Structure: Fabricate composite fins Fabricate composite nose cone Fabricate LOX tank Launch Rail: Design launch tower Fab launch tower Design & Fab launch lugs Tower test Rotary actuator attachment Avionics, S/W, Telemetry: Select rotary actuator Rotary actuator drive electronics Valve position feedback electronics Valve driver Thruster valve control software Recovery system electronics & S/W Telementry system design & fab

5 Types of Rockets Liquid Fueled Rocket Solid Fueled Rocket
(rocket motor) Liquid Fueled Rocket (rocket engine)

6 100 lbf Lox/Ethanol Rocket Engine
LOX/Ethanol Rocket Overview Antenna Thrust Structure COPV Pressurant Tank Recovery Section Telemetry Module Ethanol Tank LOX Tank GHeTank Nosecone Mold Recovery Parachute 100 lbf Lox/Ethanol Rocket Engine Batteries




10 Apogee Apogee = Highest point in the rockets flight path Apogee
Orbital Flight Ballistic Flight

11 Mach Number = Mach Number Speed of the rocket Speed of sound
Speed of sound = (gRT) ½ g = ratio of specific heats (1.4 for air at STP) R = gas constant (286 m2/sec2/K for air T = Temperature (K)

12 Mass Terminology Mass Allocation = Assigned not-to-exceed mass valve for specific items or subsystems BOL Mass {Beginning of Life Mass} = mass of rocket with full load of propellant and pressurant Wet Mass = Same as BOL EOL Mass {End of Life mass} – mass of rocket after all propellants have been consumed

13 Preliminary Mass Allocation {from last year}

14 Center of Gravity (CG)

15 CG will change as propellant is consumed
The CG is Not Fixed Helium Tank CG will change as propellant is consumed LOX Tank Fuel Tank

16 Revised Station Markings (4/19/15)

17 Coordinate System Definition

18 Example RASAero Output

19 Example RASAero Output

20 Example RASAero Output

21 Feed System Ethanol Fuel Valve Helium Oxidizer Valve Liquid Oxygen P
Service Valve Check Valve Pressure Regulator Pyro Isolation Valve Relief Valve Helium Liquid Oxygen Ethanol Fuel Valve Oxidizer Valve

22 LOX Feed Line Details LOX Valve Outlet LOX Injector Inlet

23 Rocket Engine Nomenclature
Combustion Chamber Injector Oxidizer Valve Fuel Valve Nozzle Throat

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