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THE SERVANT NOT TO BE A disloyal servant vacillating between two masters (Luke 16:13). Loyalty cannot be divided. We must choose! Master God and master.

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3 A disloyal servant vacillating between two masters (Luke 16:13). Loyalty cannot be divided. We must choose! Master God and master mammon are opposing masters. Colossians 3:5; 1 Timothy 6:17-19

4 A negligent servant who wickedly incriminates the master’s character (Luke 19:20-23). Parable about the kingdom of God The servant is wicked because he did not put to use what was given him. Luke 19:13; Matthew 25:16, 26 Money, possessions, abilities, opportunities, skills, health, life, etc.?

5 A presumptuous servant who ignores the master’s will because of his absence (Luke 12:45-48). Servant reasons in his heart that master’s absence gives liberty to misbehave. Servants are accountable. Misconduct is not exonerated but receives due justice. 1 John 3:4; James 4:17

6 An unforgiving servant who does not treat others as he wants to be treated (Matthew 18:28-25). The principle of reaping what is sown applies to all facets of life. Galatians 6:7; Matthew 5:7; 7:12; 18:35


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