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 Given live by a presenter  Played without a presenter on a computer screen or on the Web  Slides provide a way to use text and graphics to introduce.

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Presentation on theme: " Given live by a presenter  Played without a presenter on a computer screen or on the Web  Slides provide a way to use text and graphics to introduce."— Presentation transcript:



3  Given live by a presenter  Played without a presenter on a computer screen or on the Web  Slides provide a way to use text and graphics to introduce main topics or ideas  PowerPoint allows you to record a narration and add animation and sounds for emphasis  You can print out slides or handouts of slide contents for your audience to refer to or take home 1

4  Be concise and to the point  Make lines of text grammatically parallel  Avoid design elements that distract the viewer  Use graphics that reinforce ideas  Don’t overuse sound or animation  Organize your presentation so it is easy to follow  Be consistent in use of colors, fonts, and other design elements  Avoid errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar 2

5 3 Slide window Outline pane Slide pane tab Slide Sorter view Slide Sorter toolbar Use Normal view to enter contents, Slide Sorter view to organize slides, and Slide Show view to run presentation. View buttons Notes pane Normal view

6 4 Click the view icons to change views. Double-click a slide in Slide Sorter to display Normal view. Normal Slide Sorter Slide Show

7 To enter text in the Outline pane: › Click at a blank slide and type a heading. › Press Enter; to begin a new slide type its title. Or To add bullet points under the first heading press Tab to indent to the next level and type a bullet point. To edit text: › Click on a heading, click and drag to select existing text and type to replace or edit it. 5 To move slides in Outline View select a slide and use the Move Up and Move Down tools on the Outlining toolbar.

8 To add a summary slide: › Select all the slides in Outline view › Click the Summary Slide too  Summary slide inserted at start of presentation including all slide titles 6 Use the Slide Sorter view to make a duplicate of the summary slide to include at the end of the presentation, or to move the Summary slide to come after the Title slide, if you wish.

9  Enter text in slides by clicking a placeholder and typing text  Use a text box to add text to a slide  Text in a text box will not show up in presentation outline  Also enter global text in the Slide Master  Will appear on all slides 7

10 To apply a slide design: › Select Format, Slide Design › Scroll to locate a design › Click on the design to apply it to the entire presentation Or Click the arrow next to a design and select Apply to Selected Slides. 8 To see larger previews of designs click on the arrow next to a design and select Show Large Previews.

11 9 Each applied slide design creates a set of slide masters. Slide Master toolbar Master place-holders Masters allow you to make formatting settings and insert graphics that apply to all slides with a particular slide design applied. Masters include Slide Master, Handout Master, and Notes Master

12 10 Use the toolbar to manage Master content. Modify font formatting for placeholder text using the Formatting toolbar. Slide master and Title master pair Global footer text can be entered in placeholders. Any changes made to individual slide formats will override Master settings.

13 To override graphics placed on the Slide Master on an individual slide: › Display the slide. › Select Format, Background. › Click in the check box to select the Omit backgrounds graphics from master option. › Click Apply to omit from current slide only. 11 If you want to omit graphics from all slides, it is better to do so by deleting them from the Slide Master itself rather than using the Apply to All setting here.

14 12 Text placeholder contains one or more level of bullet points. Content placeholders offers 6 types of content to insert. Slide layout deter-mines what place- holders are included on a slide. Title, Text, and Content placeholders automate the entry of text and objects including clip art, charts, and tables

15 13 Upper headings in outline are slide titles. Sub- headings in outline are bullet points. Notes and text box content s are not reflecte d in the outline.

16 To change a slide’s layout: › Display the slide in Normal view. › Select Format, Slide Layout. › Click on a slide layout to apply it. 14 To apply a layout to more than one slide select slides in the Slide or Outline pane, then choose Apply to Selected Slides from the drop down menu on the desired slide layout. Slide Layout task pane

17 15 Select a placehol der by clicking on it; a gray border appears around it to show it’s active. Click to place the insertion point and begin typing. To create a new bullet point in a Text placeholder press Enter. To edit existing text click within the text and begin typing, or select text to delete and press Backspace or Delete.

18 16 Select a layout that includes a content placeholde r. Click on a content icon to insert that type of content. Insert content icons include Table, Graph, Clip Art, Picture, Diagram or Organization Chart, Media Clip

19 17 Slide Sorter toolbar Animation icon Click and drag slides to new location s easily. Add transitions and rehearse timings using tools on the Slide Sorter toolbar. Slide number

20  To duplicate a slide click on it and select Edit, Duplicate (or use Ctrl+D).  To delete a slide in Slide Sorter view, right-click on a slide and select Delete Slide, or click on a slide and select Edit, Delete Slide. 18 You can also use the Copy/Paste functions to create a duplicate of a slide.

21 To prepare a slide show for presentation:  Apply transitions, sounds, and animations.  Make settings that control how the presentation will be run and navigated.  Record a narration, if desired.  Rehearse the show and add timings, if desired.  Package the presentation to take to a remote computer, if necessary. 19

22 20 Select a sound effect to occur when a transition occurs. Pre-designed animation schemes are available through the Slide Design task pane. Choose a speed for playback. Click to Apply to all slides in presentation. Click to preview animation effects. Slide Transition task pane Animations add movement to objects on a slide; transitions add effects that occur when you move from one slide to another. You can associate sounds with transitions. To create more sophisticated animations use the Custom Animation task pane.

23 To apply an animation scheme: › Display the slide you want to animate in Normal view. › Select Format, Slide Design. › Click on the Animation Schemes link. › Click on an animation scheme in the list to apply it to the current slide, or click on a scheme and click Apply to All Slides to apply to every slide in the presentation. 21 To preview an animation, select a scheme in the Animation Schemes list and click Play.

24 To apply a custom animation:  Select an object or placeholder.  Click Add Effect, a category of effect, then an effect name (for example Entrance, Appear).  Make any settings you need to, such as speed or what action initiates the animation. 22 Custom animation icon

25 To apply transitions to slides: › Select the slides you want to apply transitions to. › Select Slide Show, Slide Transitions. › Click on a transition effect. › Make settings for speed and any sound to accompany the transition. › Choose to advance the slide either automatically after a certain time increment, or when the mouse is clicked. 23 To apply a transition effect to all slides, click the Apply to All Slides button. To apply a variety of transition effects to multiple slides select Random Transition.

26 You can apply a sound to occur concurrently with a slide transition: › Select Slide Show, Slide Transition. › Select a transition to apply. › Click on the arrow to display the Sound drop down list and click on a sound you’d like to play. › Click Play to preview the transition and sound. 24 To have a sound play continuously, click in the Loop until Next Sound check box. To apply a sound and transition to all slides, click Apply to All Slides.

27 To make slide show settings: › Select Slide Show, Set Up Show. › Choose whether the show will be presented by a speaker, run by the viewer, or browsed at a kiosk. › Set up show options for running continuously (called looping), or running with or without narration and animation. › Select a Pen color to annotate slides while running the show. › Set which slides will be included in the show. › Select whether slides will advance using timings, or manually. › If you are using more than one monitor, make multiple monitor settings. 25

28  Always rehearse before giving a presentation.  When you rehearse, use timings to check the overall length of a presentation.  Check carefully for typos and spelling mistakes.  Check equipment before the presentation to make sure it is functioning properly.  Bring a copy of the presentation, just in case! 26

29 27 Select Slide Show, Rehearse Timings. The show begins and the Rehearsal toolbar is displayed. Use tools to advance to the next slide, pause, or begin timing again. When the show is finished click Yes to keep timings. Saved timings are shown in Slide Sorter view. Once you’ve saved timings, use the Set up Show dialog box to control advancing the show using the timings.

30 To record a narration: › Select Slide Show, Record Narration. › Click the Set Microphone Level button to run the Microphone Check. › Read the text in the Microphone Check dialog box, then click OK. 28

31 › Click OK, and choose where to begin to record the narration. › Speak clearly, using your arrow keys to move from one slide to the other. › When the show is done, click Save to save your recording. 29

32 30 Slide shows display a slide filling the entire screen. A set of tools helps you control the show. Begin a show by clicking the Slide Show icon; end it at any time by pressing Escape.

33  To start a show click the Slide Show view button.  Use the on screen tools to move forward, backward, or end the show.  You can also use mouse clicks or keyboard arrow keys to move to the next slide.  If you set up a show to be viewed by an individual, browser tools appear when you run the show. 31

34 32 To choose pen type and color, right-click and select Pointer Options. Ink allows you to use your mouse to draw directly on slides in a variety of pen styles. You can choose to save or discard your annotation s when exiting the show.

35 33 When you select File, Save as Web Page, then click the Publish button, this dialog box appears. Specify slides to include in Web Page Choosing All browsers makes the presentation viewable by most people. Makes changes to Web Page file name with the Change or Browse buttons. Click Publish to save the Web Page.

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