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Lecture 21 I am Monarcha Scholarum, I am Paracelsus; One whisker on my cheek owns more intelligence than all of you! Come, let me fill you with stories.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 21 I am Monarcha Scholarum, I am Paracelsus; One whisker on my cheek owns more intelligence than all of you! Come, let me fill you with stories."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 21 I am Monarcha Scholarum, I am Paracelsus; One whisker on my cheek owns more intelligence than all of you! Come, let me fill you with stories of men- Not just of men - but of scientists! - Paracelsus History of Geology and the interpretation of strata Webpage for course (daytime) Webpage for course (nighttime)

2 Changes to schedule: Lab final moved back 1 week from 12/1 to 12/8 Lecture Test III moved from 12/7 to 12/2 (12/6 to 12/1 nighttime class) For revised syllabus, see

3 The Greeks Determined the Earth was round Estimated its approximate size Some advanced idea that Earth @ Sun Built steam engines, accurate clocks One (Archimedes) believed fossils to be remains of ancient animals

4 The Greeks Aristotle (circa 350 BCE)

5 Aristotle Four properties Four elements Transmutation of elements

6 History continues… Romans (circa 100 BCE to 400 CE) Dark Ages (circa up to 1000 CE) Middle Ages (1200, 1300…) RENAISSANCE

7 to 1500s Double, double, toil and trouble Fire, burn and cauldron bubble Filet of a fenny snake In a caudron boil and bake Eye of newt, toe of frog Wool of bat and tounge of dog… For a charm of powerful trouble Like a hellbroth boil and bubble


9 Geology? -- THE GREAT DELUGE Diluvialism

10 How olde was the Earth? Bishop Ussher October 26, 4004 BC, 9:00 am

11 Interpretations of Geologic History Diluvialism Catastrophism Neptunism Abraham Werner

12 Werner

13 Interpretations of Geologic History Diluvialism Catastrophism Neptunism Plutonism James Hutton


15 Hutton (and Nicholas Steno) Principle of UNIFORMITARIANISM Principle of Original Horizontality Principle of Superposition Principle of Cross-cutting relationships

16 Principle of Superposition Fig. 18-3, pg. 420

17 Principle of Cross-cutting relationships Fig. 18-5, pg. 421

18 Wm. “Strata” Smith Canals Principle of Faunal Succession

19 Wm. “Strata” Smith Geologic map of England

20 Charles Lyell “Principles of Geology”

21 Major discoveries since Lyell Importance of glaciers (1840s) Plate Tectonics (presented, 1915, accepted, 1960s)


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