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School Handbooks Some considerations. General responsibilities n Everyone must be provided a handbook n The handbook should not contradict any contract,

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Presentation on theme: "School Handbooks Some considerations. General responsibilities n Everyone must be provided a handbook n The handbook should not contradict any contract,"— Presentation transcript:

1 School Handbooks Some considerations

2 General responsibilities n Everyone must be provided a handbook n The handbook should not contradict any contract, or other policies n The handbook must be explained by the administrator n Everyone must have at least 72 hours to study the handbook before signing

3 Types of handbooks n Faculty, staff n Students/parents n Volunteers

4 Faculty/staff handbook n List duties: – Instruction – Supervision – Assessment/ grading – Recordkeeping – Professionalism – Attendance, attendance reporting – Extracurriculars

5 List Non-teaching duties n Extra supervisions n Field trips n Attendance at meetings n Participation in other school/parish activities n Confidentiality n Parent-teacher communication

6 Other professional n Certification requirements n Supervision and evaluation n Right of administrator to formulate regulation n Personnel policies – Sick days, personal, jury duty, military duty – Maternity, paternity leave – Termination, non-renewal of contract

7 Parent/Student handbooks n Contractual relationship n Contents n Signature n Enforcement n Right of administrator to amend n Parental involvement

8 Watch your language…. n Avoid long lists: use “and any other …. deemed unacceptable by the principal” n “The principal is the final recourse”. n Eschew “must” and “will”; use “may” and “can” n Avoid zero tolerance policies n Some policies should be age-specific

9 Rules: Minimal Essentials n 1. Legitimate educational purpose; n 2. Have a rational relationship to educational purpose; n 3. Be reasonably clear; n 4. Have appropriate procedures: n 5. Be fair; n 6. Be consistent with philosophy

10 More minimum essentials n 7. Always list service requirements; n 8. State obligation to pay tuition; n 9. State obligation to abide by handbook; n 10. Participation in extracurricular and other activities is a privilege; n 11. Establish a standard of conduct; n 12. List academic penalties for behavioral infractions, if any.

11 Current Concerns n Visitors n Divorce/custody n Grading n Gangs n Body decoration n Weapons/lookalikes n Harassment, bullying n Drugs,alcohol n Cell phones, beepers n Threats n Other contraband n Truancy, tardiness n Use of internet, computers

12 Volunteer Handbooks n Supervision n Emergency procedures n Divorce/custody n Discipline n Responsibilities n Confidentiality n Field trips

13 Volunteers n Always do a background check; ask for references; n Do not give them the same access to records; n Need to know areas of responsibility; n Sign in/ sign out n Volunteers can be terminated.

14 More on volunteers n They need to be supervised; n Provide school forms; n Provide orientation; n Remind them of their responsibilities to be present, stay with children; n Use volunteers over the age of 18 n Check your insurance, liability coverage

15 Remember: you can’t anticipate everything, but you can anticipate some things.

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