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Scatterometer-derived sea surface wind variability associated with convective systems: a valuable source of air-sea interaction information Marcos Portabella.

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Presentation on theme: "Scatterometer-derived sea surface wind variability associated with convective systems: a valuable source of air-sea interaction information Marcos Portabella."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scatterometer-derived sea surface wind variability associated with convective systems: a valuable source of air-sea interaction information Marcos Portabella Wenming Lin Ad Stoffelen Antonio Turiel Patrick Bunn Anton Verhoef Ana Trindade Greg King Joaquim Ballabrera

2 Marine Core Service ASCAT Rain Effects 2 Rain splash induced roughness/damping dominates at low winds and extreme rain (black spot) Deep convective precipitating cells cause cooling of elevated air and wind downbursts; these generate gust fronts extending over a few 100 km Wind downbursts substantially modify air-sea interaction in rainy areas (evaporation, atmospheric dynamics, ocean mixing,.. )

3 16 December 2009 3 Rain Effects Convective downbursts ASCAT-A and ASCAT-B come together. Red arrows:ASCAT-A; Blue arrows:ASCAT-B; color contours: MSG RR.

4 Why complementary method to MLE-based QC method? RejectAccept Validation: ASCAT-TMIValidation: ASCAT-Buoy CategoryAcceptReject NumberVRMSNumberVRMS Rain-free24421.810(0)/ Vicinity of rain 4132.671(1)/ Rain1814.3611(10)6.63

5 Another case ASCAT-derived wind field collocated with TMI RR data at 20:30 UTC on 24 September 2008 Singularity map of the ASCAT-retrieved wind field. TMI RR data shown as contour lines Good correspondance between TMI RR and negative SE values

6 SMOS-BEC Quality control (a)(b) Fig. 1 The VRMS difference between buoy and (a) ASCAT winds; (b) ECMWF winds, as a function SE and MLE.  The correspondence of buoy, ASCAT and ECMWF winds reduces as SE decreases and MLE increases  SE and MLE parameters are complementary in terms of quality classification VRMS(ASCAT,Buoy) VRMS(ECMWF,Buoy)

7 SMOS-BEC Quality control Mean TMI RR as a function SE and MLE. Only the collocations with wind speeds above 4 m/s are used.

8 SMOS-BEC Quality control  MLE-based QC: WVCs with MLE>+18.6 are filtered  MLE-/SE-combined QC: WVCs with MLE >+18.6 or SE<-0.45 are filtered  MUlti-Dimensional Histogram (MUDH): MLE-/SE-combined QC, but analyzed at different wind speed and measurement variability factor (K p ) categories. V≥4 m/sVRMS (Rejected WVC) VRMS (Kept WVC) QC-ed ratio (%) MUDH 10-min buoy wind 5.211.611.04

9 SMOS-BEC An example Fig.2 (a) ASCAT wind observed on Dec. 15, 2009, at 21:17 UTC, with collocated TMI RR superimposed (see the legend). The black arrows correspond to QC-accepted WVCs, and the gray ones correspond to QC-rejected (MUDH) WVCs. The buoy measurements (denoted by the triangle) were acquired at 21:20±2 hours UTC, as shown in the polar coordinate plot (b). (a)(a) (b)(b)

10 SMOS-BEC SD (speed, m/s) SD (direction, °) SD (u, m/s) SD (v, m/s) MLE>18. 6 & SE<- 0.45 1.2732.11.621.61 |MLE| 0 0.37 6.30.470.52 MLE & SE are indeed good sub-WVC wind variability indicators Sub-WVC variability well correlates with buoy verification Sub-cell wind variability Fig. 8 Mean SD of temporal buoy wind speed (sub-cell wind speed variability) as a function of SE (x-axis) and MLE (y-axis)

11 SMOS-BEC Quality verification V≥4 m/sVRMS (Rejected WVC) VRMS (Accepted WVC) QC-ed ratio (%) MUDH 10-min buoy wind 5.211.611.04 Mean buoy wind 4.451.271.04 By using mean buoy winds, the variance reduction is about 30-40% in both accepted and rejected categories Sub-WVC wind variability is therefore the dominant factor for quality degradation (in both wind sources!)

12 SMOS-BEC Triple collocation analysis  buoy (m/s)  scat (m/s)  back (m/s) N uvuvuv 0.730.820.520.731.311.44 1622  buoy (m/s)  scat (m/s)  back (m/s) N uvuvuv 1.471.351.151.732.372.77 1620  The ASCAT most variable winds are of lower quality w.r.t. the ASCAT less variable winds  ASCAT winds are of similar quality than buoy winds (at ASCAT resolution) and of much better quality than ECMWF winds Top 5% variable winds The other 95% of (more stable) winds

13 SMOS-BEC Fig.2a Scatter plots of ASCAT MUDH QC-ed winds against buoy winds (selected wind solutions).  The mean buoy wind is closer to ASCAT winds;  Significant ambiguity removal errors Fig.2b Scatter plots of ASCAT MUDH QC-ed winds against buoy winds (closest to buoy). spd dir spd dir

14 Marine Core Service 9:45 9:15 10:30 10:15 9:45 10:00 9:009:30 16 February 2014, near 0E, 3N KNMI MSG rain ASCAT ASCAT divASCAT rot

15 Marine Core Service  Significant curl structures are associated with convective cell  Accelarated inflow and precipitation is associated with wind downburst  Shear zones with curl (+ and -)  Rain appears to do little with the ASCAT wind signal  How to account in NWP?

16 11:32 12:27 ASCAT ROT ASCAT DIV

17 11:32 ASCAT ROT ASCAT DIV ASCAT WINDS updraft downdraft

18 Marine Core Service ASCAT-B and ASCAT-A ~50 minutes difference only! MLE 33, -137; 18:40/19:30 March 28, 2013

19 Marine Core Service ASCAT-B ASCAT-B winds observed at 18:40 March 28, 2013; 33, -137

20 Marine Core Service ASCAT-A ASCAT-A winds observed at 19:30, March 28, 2013; 33, -137

21 Marine Core Service ECWMF wind+MLE ASCAT wind+MLE ASCAT winds consistent with increased local wind variability ECMWF wind flow smooth over areas with increased variablity Wind variability

22 SMOS-BEC ASCAT-A ASCAT-A and ASCAT-B collocation Global, t=50min.  Small spread in NWP due to 50 minutes time difference (smooth wind fields)  Larger spread in ASCAT due to much smaller resolved scales (e.g., convection) ASCAT-B ASCAT speeds NWP speed NWP direction ASCAT direction

23 Marine Core Service Geographical dependence k -5/3 and k -3 spectra imply specified forms of spatial correlations Investigate correlations in different dynamical regimes ASCAT 12.5km shows most variation in variance of k -5/3

24 SMOS-BEC Conclusions  MLE and SE are indeed well correlated with sub-WVC wind variability  MLE and SE are complementary and their combination provides an effective QC relative to both buoy and ECMWF reference (notably the MUDH-based approach)  Increased sub-WVC variability dominates the ASCAT quality degradation  A remaining 1 m/s bias in ASCAT rejected winds needs further investigation  Temporal buoy wind information is useful to address representativeness errors; however, not directly comparable to 2-D area-mean scatt winds  Preliminary triple collocation shows that ASCAT wind quality for QC’ed WVCs is comparable to that of mean buoy winds at scatterometer scales.  QC may therefore be relevant for applications like data assimilation. For, e.g., nowcasting, oceanography,climate, this info may be very valuable!

25 SMOS-BEC Outlook  Development of a wind variability product?  Develop QC for ASCAT coastal; use of high-res sigma0 data?  Investigate potential rain-contamination effects and the development of a sigma0 correction model  Revisit QC for Ku-band pencil-beam scatterometers  Improvement of the ASCAT Wind Data Processor  Feedback to Operational Centres on scatt data assimilation  Further investigate ASCAT rain-induced wind flow patterns

26 SMOS-BEC 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Ku-band Combined C- and Ku-band HY-2B China HY-2A China 09 08 C-band Launch Date 10/06 6/99 Design Life Extended LifeProposedDesigned Operating CFOSat China/France GCOM-W2, -W3 with DFS Japan/USA Meteor-M3 Russia Oceansat-2 India ScatSat India QuikSCAT USA sw 24feb11 GLOBAL SCATTEROMETER MISSIONS (CEOS VC) FY-3E with 2FS China NASA ISS scatterometer METOP-A Europe METOP-C Europe EPS SG Europe Extended Approved Extended  No NRT global availability  Availability ? OceanSat-3 India METOP-A Europe B

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