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MilkIT 2 nd Advisory Council Meeting Almora 18/12/2012 Work plan & Outlook India Thanammal Ravichandran, Nils Teufel.

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Presentation on theme: "MilkIT 2 nd Advisory Council Meeting Almora 18/12/2012 Work plan & Outlook India Thanammal Ravichandran, Nils Teufel."— Presentation transcript:

1 MilkIT 2 nd Advisory Council Meeting Almora 18/12/2012 Work plan & Outlook India Thanammal Ravichandran, Nils Teufel

2 Work plan – Comp 1a enhancing innovation Assess current intervention strategies – on-going Extend documentation of actor mapping, intervention histories, successes/ failures, included more actors Jan - Jun Analyse innovation processes – to be developed document through partners, netmap? Jan - Mar

3 Work plan – Comp1b participatory dairy VC assessment & improvement Rapid market appraisal – part of DVC assessment Use VCA tools net map to identify and characterize dairy value chains Jan - Mar Micro-business training – has to be developed, based on DVCA Exposure visits, Training (Aanchal, NABARD, Nainital university) Jan & Jul Test strategies for engaging local decision makers Active participation of various stakeholders in DVC Innovation Platforms. Define/document/follow-up interventions/changes for VC stakeholders Jan - Dec

4 Work plan – Comp1c intervention strategies Participatory SWOT analysis of interventions – continued from constraint analysis Proper documentation, part of IP meeting Build other experiences (e.g. mangers, etc.) Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct Participatory decision- making on interventions Part of DVC IP meeting, where interventions get identified and action plans agreed Jan - Dec

5 Work plan – Comp2a implementing interventions Participatory decision-making on interventions Interventions identified and action plans agreed in Feed IP meetings Jan – Dec Action research promising interventions (trials) – to be designed, based on IP Trials with knowledge sharing/training, based on Feed IP decisions Jan – Dec Techno-economic analysis of interventions (ex ante) – built on trials Estimated cost/benefits of innovations by project partners - Techfit Feb & May & Sep Participatory cost-benefit evaluation of nterventions (ex post) – built on trials Recorded cost/benefits of innovationsby project partners Jun & Oct Strategies for engaging local decision makers Feed Innovation PlatformsJan – Dec

6 Work plan – Comp2b lessons learning Scaling out of approaches of feed interventions Replication of IPs? Training materials? Documentation / knowledge sharing on +/- of IP & feed interventions (workshop, printed material etc.) Partners implement in other sites. Sharing with IFAD, link to ILSP Involve VPKAS, Himmothan Oct - Dec Base-line survey - FEAST Hh surveysJan - Mar Impact analysis/ monitoring Documentation of behavioural change, intermediate indicators Use reports by partner field staff Jun & Dec

7 Work plan – Comp3a knowledge sharing, local Identify knowledge pathways Knowledge net map (villages, actors) Knowledge survey Satisfaction with knowledge sources Jan - Mar Identify knowledge gaps Knowledge net map (villages, actors) Include in VCA Jan - Mar

8 Work plan – Comp3b knowledge sharing, wider Design and implement local knowledge sharing strategy Within Feed IP (also DVC) Exposure visits IFAD ICT systems Scaling out Photo stories Jan - Dec Monitor local knowledge sharing strategy Compile IP documentation (partners/project) May & Nov Synthesise and apply lessons Draw lessons from IP documentationMay & Nov

9 Outlook Complete data collection phase Strengthen the IPs (ownership) Move towards interventions (both feeds and value chains) Standardise documentation

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