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SOM TMAC* Roadmap Presentation for Committee on Technology and Architecture Erik Wieland Director of IT Services Department of Medicine December 9, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "SOM TMAC* Roadmap Presentation for Committee on Technology and Architecture Erik Wieland Director of IT Services Department of Medicine December 9, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOM TMAC* Roadmap Presentation for Committee on Technology and Architecture Erik Wieland Director of IT Services Department of Medicine December 9, 2011

2 Changes to the SOM TMAC No longer a SOM group –Dean pushing ITS to meet funding, staffing requests –Members from Pharmacy, Nursing, CLS, UDAR, ITS New focus on relationship management –Working strategically with customers and central IT service providers –Help customers transition to commodity services –Bridge local and central IT groups, monitor SLAs Next steps in transition –New charge, membership in January –New Technical Solutions Management group and customer-focused advisory group 2

3 Selection Criteria for Priorities Ensure the visible success of UCSF IT –Things that matter to customers –Things that save money –Things that improve service Ensure business and mission continuity for customers –Make commodity services “bulletproof” –Offer innovative services that improve performance Ensure a sustainable future for both –Build trust through responsiveness, communication, outreach –Establish institutions that foster partnership 3

4 Priorities for 2012 1.Comprehensive SLAs and product lifecycles –Services, projects and products focused on, and accountable to, the customers –Consistent monitoring, compliance with “teeth” –Consistent process and criteria –Uniform, integrated change controls 2.IT Procurement support –Advisory and evangelism group –Tracking and enforcement 3.Build Technical Solutions Management Group –Support for Director, project manager –Communications and outreach 4

5 1.Comprehensive SLAs and Product Lifecycles Work with service groups to create SLAs and change controls which are integrated with those of related services Build mechanisms for monitoring SLAs and change controls so that failures have consequences, become less frequent Create new projects, products and services using the knowledge gained by improving existing ones Create a customer-centered process for initiating new projects, products and services 5

6 1.Estimated Resource Requirements RequirementEstimated Cost Develop and document integrated SLAs, change controls 0.5 FTE business analyst for 1 year Build SLA monitoring system0.5 FTE programming support added to Service-Now project 6

7 2.IT Procurement Support Create a strategic sourcing advisory group –Identify customer needs –Build customer needs into new service models –Encourage purchase of standard hardware and software, facilitate bulk purchases Make it easier to buy things the right way –Work with Strategic Sourcing to improve buying experience –Work with service providers and product managers to establish consistent standards and technical requirements which inform product selection 7

8 2.Estimated Resource Requirements RequirementEstimated Cost Develop and document integrated SLAs, change controls 0.5 FTE business analyst for 1 year 8

9 3.Build Technical Solutions Management Group Create operational TSM group –Create structure, reporting model, job descriptions, deliverables –Focus customer needs, feedback –Work with service providers, product managers to ensure success Create new governance committee –Replace SOM TMAC with customer-focused advisory group –Provide forum for service providers and product managers to solve problems with customers –Provide a voice for local IT staff in IT governance 9

10 3.Estimated Resource Requirements RequirementEstimated Cost Create structure, reporting model, job descriptions, deliverables 0.5 FTE business analyst for 6 months 10


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