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In search of a sustainable model of ICT access and use for rural schools in Mpumalanga, South Africa Alice Barlow-Zambodla e/Merge Africa Online Peer Assist.

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Presentation on theme: "In search of a sustainable model of ICT access and use for rural schools in Mpumalanga, South Africa Alice Barlow-Zambodla e/Merge Africa Online Peer Assist."— Presentation transcript:

1 In search of a sustainable model of ICT access and use for rural schools in Mpumalanga, South Africa Alice Barlow-Zambodla e/Merge Africa Online Peer Assist event 2 nd – 6 th November 2015

2 What is sustainable ICT in terms of ICT4D? Initiatives that are able to transition to models that can be supported by local and domestic resources (Howard, 2008) Many ICT4D initiatives involving “parachuting” are inherently unsustainable Can rural ICTs be sustainable? There are many barriers to use of ICTs by rural people NGO’s and other development agencies need to intervene and democratize ICTs so that rural people can also have the opportunities to create and invent solutions for their own context.

3 The Buffelshoek Trust’s mandate and how the Trust works –

4 My role Vodacom Change the World Volunteer 2014/2016 working for the Buffelshoek Trust as their Education Cluster Team Leader

5 6 Primary Schools: Hananani Shiviti Samson Sibuyi Munyamana Manyeleti Mahlati 3 High Schools Manyangana Mdluli Acorns to Oaks  3810 Learners  122 Educators Target Beneficiaries

6 (Over 400 refurbished desktops were donated) Computer labs at all 9 schools properly equipped and connected Acorn to Oaks MST Academy established as a hub for using ICTs to support teaching and learning and knowledge dissemination in the Manyeleti and Acornhoek regions Teachers and admin staff at the schools confidently use ICTs for teaching learning and administration purposes. All targetted School ICT programmes planned and implemented Students have access to and use ICTs to learn, as well as to access and disseminate information Teachers and learners are involved in the development of and having access to relevant content Original project goals:

7 Main challenges to implementation and sustainability Challenges to project management Geographical spread of schools Location – deep rural, poor access to facilities and services

8 Challenges to access Lack of ownership Security – internal and external theft Maintenance - limited No plans for replacement or upgrading Management - diverse No dedicated funding Lack of relevant infrastructure Connectivity – no common nor stable fixed/mobile internet solution available and poor bandwidth Lack of on-site support (both technical and non- technical) Lack of educator (46%) and learner ICT skills

9 Challenges to use Lack of human capacity to man and provide support in the labs during school time Low/non-existent ICT literacy levels – 46% have never used computers Limited opportunities to implement/influence sustained in-school professional development activities (as an NGO) Learners with learning disabilities – educators not trained to mitigate Language (including migrant learners) Connectivity – variable from area to area – even with mobile service providers – high data costs Multi-grade teaching and shared learning spaces Overworked teachers

10 Mitigating some of the challenges – an initial focus on access Setting up and equipping the labs from scratch – all were previously classrooms that needed modification – all 9 set up – varying levels of functionality and either ADSL (3 schools)/mobile wi-fi internet access (6 schools). Sourcing and putting in place external but local IT technical expertise/support Identification and selection of local OOSY to serve as school-based ICT Monitors (stipendary) Initial training of ICT Monitors completed– accredited Help Desk Solutions Course offered by SchoolNet Installation and support of ICT Monitors in schools – complicated but in process Ongoing upskilling and development of ICT Monitors - ongoing Facilitating more direct ownership and better management through the Principal’s Forum – collaborative solution finding Use of labs by community and other stakeholders – generating income for lab

11 Revised goals 2015/2016 All 9 ICT centres established/equipped and operational School management, administration and educators confidently use ICTs School improvement interventions linked to continued monitoring and evaluation* Students have access to and are supported to use ICTs to learn, as well as to access and disseminate information Out of school youth in the communities of Utah/ Dixie, Seville B and Makrepen will be supported to source, develop and install the relevant ICT hardware and software required for their Youth Centre*

12 What more can be done to: Facilitate sustained access by learners and educators and other community stakeholders? Facilitate use by educators?

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