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Why be ethical?.  Ethics is the belief in a right/wrong a good/evil. (Fr. Greek Ta Ethika meaning good character)  Morality is the translation of that.

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Presentation on theme: "Why be ethical?.  Ethics is the belief in a right/wrong a good/evil. (Fr. Greek Ta Ethika meaning good character)  Morality is the translation of that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why be ethical?

2  Ethics is the belief in a right/wrong a good/evil. (Fr. Greek Ta Ethika meaning good character)  Morality is the translation of that good into our actions. (Fr. Latin Moralitas having to do with customs or habits  Some Examples of Moral Systems.

3  10 Commandments  Buddhist Precepts  5 Pillars  Talmud/Torah  Business codes of conduct  Student Handbook  Collective agreements in Sports (personal conduct policies)

4  Action/Reaction  Proposed by Ken Melchin in his work “Living with other People”.  Tzw&feature=fvsr Tzw&feature=fvsr  In this we just react we do something it is a response.

5  The Beggar  This is put forward by Emmanuel Levinas in his work Totality and Infinity  aXI&featu aXI&featu  This experience is referred often as “The face” as it is the face of the other that causes us to act.

6  This is put forward by Immanuel Kant in the work “Critique of Pure Reason”  In this we act out of obligation/responsibility  mI2_Y mI2_Y  This is where we act because we feel the obligation too.

7  This reason compels us to act based on injustice or the intolerable we feel that something must be done because it is not fair.  Am4M&feature=related Am4M&feature=related  This we proposed by the Church especially Pope Paul VI

8  There are many varied ethical camps which each try to explain why and how human beings should go about achieving the good. For our purpose we will focus on three camps  Aristotle (Telelogical Ethics)  Kant (Deontological Ethics)  Levinas (Relational Ethics)

9  Aristotle's ethics are called teleological ethics from the root word telos which means end goal/purpose.  Lets examine some of the thought of Aristotle.  U0m8&feature=related U0m8&feature=related  Let us list some of his accomplishments and flush out his philosophy.

10  &feature=related &feature=related  Deontological ethics based on the root word Deon which means Duty.  Wrote “Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals” & “Critique of Pure Reason”  Maxims : Categorical Imperative/Means and End  Theoretical Reason  Practical Reason  Objective/Subjective

11  Kant believed the only good was a good will  Kant believes we cannot prove God but can reasonably believe in his existence based on our seemingly innate need for Justice.  1. God: Someone to Judge  2. Freedom: We cannot be judged if not free  3. Immortality: Since Justice does not happen here it needs to occur somewhere.  Summon Bonum: Perfect world/Heaven

12  Ethics of the Face  We find God in each other not in what is similar about each of us but what is unique.  Since God is much more that we can comprehend we find traces of him in what is unique in each of us. It is our seeing that uniqueness in each other that we find God.  Rs9D8&feature=related Rs9D8&feature=related

13  Pope John Paul II refers to Levinas in his work “The New Millennium”  Matt 25 “When I was Hungry you fed me” illustrates the thought of Levinas.  Psalm 27 “Your face O Lord I seek”  God touches us through the face of the other.  *The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) states “The more one does what is good, the freer one becomes”

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