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New compressor station Second stage of nitrogen system (N2 refrigerator, cryogenic tank, pipe lines) Cryogenic equipment required to run NICA Third stage.

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Presentation on theme: "New compressor station Second stage of nitrogen system (N2 refrigerator, cryogenic tank, pipe lines) Cryogenic equipment required to run NICA Third stage."— Presentation transcript:

1 New compressor station Second stage of nitrogen system (N2 refrigerator, cryogenic tank, pipe lines) Cryogenic equipment required to run NICA Third stage of nitrogen system (N2 refrigerator, cryogenic tank, pipe lines) Helium satellite refrigerators and pipe lines for Collider Helium liquefier “OG-1000” Helium purification units helium gas bags Helium screw compressors “Kaskad-110” Unit is ready for commissioning Contract is signed, shipping is expected Contract is not signed yet, first calculations are done, potential suppliers are selected

2 Status and assessment deadlines of NICA cryogenic system development Work descriptionStatusAssessment deadlines Development of the helium cryogenic plant: 1.liquefier OG-1000, 2.enlargement of the helium purification system, 3.gas bags, 4.designing and manufacturing of the new “wet” turbo-expanders for helium refrigerators KGU- 1600. 1.Liquefier OG-1000 is under commissioning now. 2. For helium purification system the main required parameters are calculated and potential suppliers are selected. 3. For gas bags the contract is signed and shipping is expected. 4. For new “wet” turbo-expanders the first calculations are in progress. 1. Liquefier OG-1000 – June of 2016. 2. Helium purification system - June of 2017. 3. Gas bags - June of 2016. 4. New “wet” turbo- expanders - December of 2016 Development of the new compressor station: 1.Building reconstruction for the new compressor station 2.Commissioning of the first stage of LN2 system 3.Commissioning of the two “Kaskad-110” helium compressors. 1.Building reconstruction is at the beginning stage of construction project. 2.The contract for the first stage of LN2 system is signed and shipping is expected. 3.Both “Kaskad-110” are supplied and in a storage now waiting for finish of building reconstruction. Building reconstruction – December 2016. First stage of LN2 system and “Kaskad-110” commissioning - December 2016. Water cooling systemWork is at the design stage. Potential suppliers are being selected now. June of 2016. Second and third stage of LN2 systemDesigning is done. The contract is being prepared.Second stage – December 2016, Third stage – January 2018. Cryogenic pipe lines for the helium system of booster.Work is at the stage of first calculations, scheme drawing and selecting of potential suppliers. June of 2017 Helium satellite refrigerators and pipe lines for Collider. Work is at the stage of first calculations, scheme drawing and selecting of potential suppliers. December of 2018 Central helium liquefier KGU-1600 helium refrigerators Helium gas bags Helium purification units Screw helium compressor Nitrogen turbine compressor Nitrogen liquefier Nitrogen gas bags Nitrogen reservoir with pumps Nitrogen receiver Nitrogen turbine compressor Screw helium compressor

3 Thank you!

4 General view MPD Satellite refrigerator Control dewar Cryogenic equipment for MPD

5 Control dewar Schematic diagram Heat capacity: 100W at 4.5K LN2 reservoir contains a heat exchanger (compressed helium - boiling nitrogen) Portion of the LHe supply stream is taken to cool the current leads There are 3 additional lines of the return flow to operate in cooldown mode HEX

6 Schematic diagram for MPD cooling down

7 Heat exchanger of the SC coil

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