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Agenda Fifth Grade Information Questions & Answers.

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1 Agenda Fifth Grade Information Questions & Answers

2 Mrs. Allen Mrs. Lankford Mrs. Cardwell Mrs. Ingram Mrs. Phillips

3  The Southside Handbook is on our school web page for you to go over with your child. You will have a paper to sign and return indicating that you have gone over the handbook together. If you do not have internet access, please let your homeroom teacher know and one will be sent home with your child.  The Etowah County Handbook will be gone over in class on Monday; and the back 2 pages should be signed and returned to your child’s homeroom teacher.  You and your child should review the Etowah County Student Handbook carefully. Specific Areas to Review:

4 ATTENDANCE  Perfect attendance - student must be in school all day everyday  To be counted as present for the day, students must be in school at least 4 hours (11:30)  If a child must check out – please remind your child to ask for the work he or she will miss.  Please send an excuse whenever a child is absent within 3 days of the absence.  3 tardies = an unexcused absence  Students will be counted tardy after 7:45- Parents must sign child in at the office

5  Three parent/guardian notes (written excuse) will be accepted per semester. Any other absences must be documented with a doctor’s excuse.  One parent note will only excuse up to (3) three consecutive days of absence.  Official school event absences are considered excused.  Five unexcused absences: referral to the Early Warning Program- The school system notifies in writing that the parent/guardian, student, a juvenile probation officer, and designated school official will attend a conference.  Seven unexcused absences: The school shall file a petition in Juvenile Court which may result in charges and/or court ordered supervision of the student.

6 ATTENDANCE CONTINUED:  Do not drop off your child before 7:15. The doors will not be opened.  If a student is dropped off before 7:45 he or she should report to the gym.  Students must be 24 hours FEVER FREE before returning to school after an illness  Please make sure your child knows his or her phone number!

7  If your child is only absent one day, please do NOT call the office to get your child’s work. It is easier for him or her to make it up the following day at school.  If your child is going to be absent for 2 or more consecutive days, please call the office by 9:30am (our breaks are first thing in the morning) to let us know how many days to prepare for. You will be able to pick up the work after 2:30 or the following morning.

8  5th Grade students are expected to follow the Etowah County dress code and dress appropriately.  Tennis Shoes, TOMs, or BOBs allowed: no crocks, flip flops, sandals, etc.  Winter: soft soled boots may be worn (no cowboy boots)

9  A student will be sent home with instructions as to proper treatment when nits or lice are found. The student may return at any time to be re-checked, but WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to RETURN to class until proof of treatment is provided to the school.

10  Mrs. Allen- Science  Mrs. Cardwell- Math  Mrs. Ingram- Social Studies  Mrs. Lankford- Reading/Language  Mrs. Phillips- Reading/Language  Your child will return to his or her homeroom at the end of the day for Integrity Time, Spelling, Computer Lab, etc…

11  Reading: (Lankford & Phillips) This year we have adopted the McGraw-Hill Wonders Reading program. Your child’s test will cover skills learned throughout the week, not a specific story. The tests will focus on your child’s ability to look back within a passage to find answers. Due to the length of the test, only your child’s answer document will be sent home; unless your child makes a failing grade or you make a specific request.

12  Language: (Lankford & Phillips) Our language program is embedded in our newly adopted reading series. We will use a variety of assessments, including D.O.L. tests, lesson and unit tests, as well as writing assignments. Your child will be required to keep a writing journal which will be graded periodically throughout the nine-weeks.

13  Social Studies: (Ingram) A study guide will be given one week prior to a test. A notebook grade will be taken- your child will keep all work and worksheets until a notebook grade has been given.  Science: (Allen) A study guide will be given out one week prior to a test. Your child will keep a science composition notebook which will be graded several times during the nine-weeks for an averaged test grade.

14  Spelling: (Homeroom Teacher) Tests will be given on Friday.  Math: (Cardwell) We will be using the Go Math program. The students will have two soft back books: one is a text book and one is a workbook. Homework may be given Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. The homework (completed, not accurate)will count as one test grade at the end of the nine-weeks.

15  Please take the time to email your child’s teachers. By doing so, we can save your email address.  You can check homework and other events by looking at your child’s teachers’ websites. The web address is - schools-Southside Elementary-Fifth Grade or www.ecboe.org  Please sign up and register for e-alerts on the ecboe website or go to the SSE site and use the link if you are new to Southside Elementary. Car riders are dismissed 30 min. prior to time announced time.  Be sure to like Southside Elementary (panther paw) on face book.

16  Etowah County follows a 9-weeks grading period.  Tuesday Test Folders will be sent home starting Tuesday, August 12 th. Your child’s grades and conduct will be sent home weekly. Please sign and return the folder promptly. Also, any grades 69/d or below must be signed by a parent and returned. Please keep all other papers at home The standard grading system (10 point scale) will be used. 100-90A 89-80B 79-70C 69-60D 59-F

17  Students are expected to follow the Etowah county behavior policies, Southside School Rules (on website), and posted classroom rules.  A copy of the classroom rules will be sent home. You and your child will need to sign and return it to his or her homeroom teacher.  Dismissal time is 3:00. However, because of buses, car riders are always dismissed 30 minutes earlier at 2:30. This includes weather emergencies also.  Car riders not picked up by 3:00 will be sent to extended day- 1 st time: $6, 2 nd time: $6 plus registration fee of $10  Front Car riders: k-1 st and siblings (starts first day) Side Car riders: 2 nd -5 th Discipline/School Procedures

18  Field Trip Guidelines are in the Southside Handbook- Please be aware that students who have earned a 69 or below in conduct may not be allowed to go on field trips  Please make sure your child knows in the morning how they are to go home. If your child is changing daily routine it needs to be in writing to the teacher please.  Corporal Punishment Parental Consent Form – whether or not permission is given to the school for corporal punishment/paddling as a discipline option available when working with your child (New Students only- others are on file)

19 MEDICATION AT SCHOOL  Children may not have any type of medication in their possession  Parents must bring all medications to the health room with a note describing the dispensation of the medicine (even Headache medicine, cough drops, etc.)  Health room is staffed fulltime by a Registered Nurse, Mrs. Layton  A child must be FEVER FREE (without fever medication) FOR 24 HOURS before he or she may return to school.

20  Lunch Time: 12:50  Food brought into the lunchroom needs to be in a lunchbox or brown bag- not in a fast food bag please. Absolutely no carbonated drinks allowed!  Centralized menu- can be printed from ecboe website and there is also a link that allows you to pay lunch accounts.  Water and 100% juice drinks (snack and lunch) only- please put flavor packets in at home  Other lunch options: hot lunch or grab and go lunch (this includes peanut butter and jelly sandwich, deli sandwich, or a salad).

21  Lunch prices: Student- b-fast $1, lunch $2.25 Visitors- b-fast $2.25, lunch $3.75 Free & Reduced: If received last year, it will be good for the first 30 days. You must still turn in a form.  No Charges Allowed- if you have a charge from last year it has been paid with school money and needs to be taken care of in the office as soon as possible please.  Snack Time- We will have a “working snack” so healthy and non-messy choices please. Also NO PEANUT BUTTER allowed for snack time.

22 PE: All Classes: 9:45-10:30 Lunch: All Classes: 12:50-1:15 Spelling/Integrity/Computer: All Classes: 2:00-2:30 Dismissal begins: All Classes: 2:30 car 1 st Period: 7:45-8:45 2 nd Period: 8:50-10:40 (P.E. /Snack in middle) 3 rd Period: 10:45-11:35 4 th Period: 11:40-12:30 5 th Period: 12:35-1:55 (lunch in middle)

23  We have a new policy that allows students to bring their own digital devices to school for educational purposes.  These devices can only be used in the classroom with teacher permission- for example not in the lunchroom, hallways, bathroom  SES is not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken devices.  Your child will be told when to bring the devices. The devices will be taken up by the homeroom teacher and sent with the students (unless he or she uses the device as a book to read on a daily basis).  We ask that cell phones and iPods not be brought for research purposes. If a cell phone is brought for emergency purposes it is to be given to the homeroom teacher first thing in the morning.

24  Classroom donation is $10.00- checks payable to SES  Purchase agenda at school for $5.00- checks payable SES  P.T.O. is $5- please support our school and ALL fundraisers! We are not a title I school! Checks payable to PTO  A note will be sent home asking for room parent  Fundraiser information is being sent home today.  Technology donation is $10.00- checks payable to SES (this is separate from class donation money)  Always needed: paper towels, anti-bacterial wipes, copy paper  Extended Day- cash/checks can be paid in office, checks only if paying when pick up  No cell phones please: if brought, they should be given to the child’s teacher first thing in the morning.

25 Thanks for helping us start the year off on the right track.

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