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Pendine St Aidan’s. Activties What was your favorite active? The zip wire was our favourite activity because and it was fast and we went upside down.

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Presentation on theme: "Pendine St Aidan’s. Activties What was your favorite active? The zip wire was our favourite activity because and it was fast and we went upside down."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pendine St Aidan’s

2 Activties What was your favorite active? The zip wire was our favourite activity because and it was fast and we went upside down. It was fun. n

3 Body Boarding We had to wear cloths of special clothes to keep us warm. The wet suit was hard to get on and the diving shoes were hard to get on. It was very windy. The waves were high we had lots of fun.

4 Food What was your favorite food? it was sausages. We had breakfast every morning. At lunch time we had rolls and crisps and in the night we had a hot meal.

5 Disco We had a great time in the disco. We danced to pizza hut and crazy frog. There was a tuck shop with sweets and drinks.

6 going home It was Sophie’s birthday on the day we went home so we had birthday cake. There was 2 wasps on the bus.. CLICK HERE

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