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Welcome Back! Quarter 4 Day 1 Planner Notes: Arith. Study Guide; Finish! Test Next Class; Get Q3 Gradesheet Signed Test Next Class; Get Q3 Gradesheet Signed.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! Quarter 4 Day 1 Planner Notes: Arith. Study Guide; Finish! Test Next Class; Get Q3 Gradesheet Signed Test Next Class; Get Q3 Gradesheet Signed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! Quarter 4 Day 1 Planner Notes: Arith. Study Guide; Finish! Test Next Class; Get Q3 Gradesheet Signed Test Next Class; Get Q3 Gradesheet Signed Organize all notes in IN Organize all notes in IN Bellwork: 1 2/3 – 4/5

2 Classwork: Do 1 st side of ASG…show all work!  We’ll correct and take a grade at the end of class.  HW: Finish backside of ASG…Test Next Class!  Good Luck

3 Order of Operations  1. 12 + 2 x 4 Do Mult.  12 + 8  20  2. (20 + 1) ÷ 2 x 4 Do ()  21 ÷ 2 x 4 x,/ first from left  10.5 x 4 Count places to  42.0 right of decimal

4 Integers  1. -5 + -8 (Bank) -13  2. -10 + 6 (Battle) -6  3. -10 – (-4) (Change minus to plus,  -10 + 4 (change sign of 2 nd integer)  -6 (Battle)  4. -24/4(DSN) -6  5. -4(-3)(SSP)12

5 Variables  1. X / 15 = 3Do opposite operation  3 x 15 = 45  2. 2x + 16 = 28  -16 = -16 Cross out zero pair  2x = 12 2(6) = 12 x = 6

6 Whole Numbers  1. 4,298Line up place values  327  +82,347  87,602  2. 92,786 Start at right and borrow  - 17,149 one place at a time.  75,637

7 Whole Numbers Continued  3. 5981 st row: 598 x 7  x 9072 nd row: zero in ones place  4,186: 598 x 0  0,0003 rd row: zeros in tens,ones;  + 538,200 598 x 9  542,386 ADD 3 rows for total 

8 Whole Numbers Continued   106  19 I 2014 19 goes into 20 1 time  -19Subtract  114 Bring down 1; 19 goes into - 114 zero times; put 0 above 1; bring down 4 19 goes into 114 6 times. 19 goes into 114 6 times.

9 Whole Number Place Values  Forty-eight million, eight hundred five thousand, fifty-six  Look at ones, tens and hundreds for each comma  048, 805, 056  (no hundreds) (no tens) (no hundreds)  48,805,056

10 Rounding: Underline place value you want to round to:  18,574,449 If # to the right is 4 or less,  the underlined # stays the  18,574,000 same, I guess.  The underlined number is where we stop,  All the other #’s must get dropped (to zero).  

11 Fractions  1. Reduce 48 Divide both numerator  132 and denominator by  largest # to go in both (GCF)  …must know multiplication tables  48 ÷ 12 = 4 Or ….  132 ÷ 12 = 11 “ 2,3 & 5, the 1 st 3 prime  will reduce fractions  most of the time.”  most of the time.”  4/11

12 Write 645/25 as Mixed #  Numerator goes inside house.  25  25 I 645 25 goes into 64 2 times;  -50put 2 above 4; subtract.  145 Bring down 5. Think $ (quarters).  - 125 Subtract; remainder is numerator  20  25 20/25 Reduce 25 4/5

13 Fractions: 2/7 + 1/2  2 4 Get CD using LCM 7, 14  7 14 Rename fraction using CD 2,4,6,8,10,12,14  1 7 (What you do to the bottom, you do to the top)  + 2 14  11 Add numerators.  14 Denominator stays same.

14 7 2/5 + 1 ½ + 3 5/8 2 x 8 161. Get CD of fractions (Use LCM) 5 40 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 Start w/ largest # and find 1 st # all 3 denominators 1 x 20 20 go into (2 goes in all, but 5 2 40 only goes into 40). 2. Rename fractions with CD + 5 x 5 253. Add numerators 8 404. Simplify: Turn improper to mixed:1 21/40 615. Add mixed number to whole numbers. 40 11 + 1 21/40 = 12 21/40

15 Fraction: 2 1/3 - 1 7/8 1.Get CD: Start w/ multiples of largest #, and continue until you find one both #’s go in. 8,16,24 (3 goes into 24) 2.Rename fractions with CD 3.Borrow from whole #, and add numerator and denominator for new numerator 4.Subtract numerators 5.Simplify (no need for whole number 0). 32 X8 8 24 X 3 21 24 _________ 11 24

16 Fraction: 8 – 3 5/6  8 Rename 8 as 7  - 3  ________  4

17 Fraction: 6/7 x 5/12 ÷ 6 1. Cross Reduce 2. Multiply Horizontally ÷6 (Already in simplest form) 1 5 = 5 7 2 14

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