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HOOPS -n- HOGS By: Katie Trice. HOOPS -n- HOGS Hoops -n- Hogs is an annual fundraiser done by a few chapters of Alpha Delta Pi. The Delta Theta chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "HOOPS -n- HOGS By: Katie Trice. HOOPS -n- HOGS Hoops -n- Hogs is an annual fundraiser done by a few chapters of Alpha Delta Pi. The Delta Theta chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOOPS -n- HOGS By: Katie Trice

2 HOOPS -n- HOGS Hoops -n- Hogs is an annual fundraiser done by a few chapters of Alpha Delta Pi. The Delta Theta chapter of Alpha Delta Pi has done this fundraiser for three years. Each year, the amount of money collected has increased.

3 HOOPS -n- HOGS Hoops represents the basketball tournament that is played. Each team pays a $100 entry fee which is donated to the Ronald McDonald House. Hogs represents the barbeque that is held after the winners of the basketball tournament are announced.

4 RAFFLE TICKETS Many businesses in Valdosta donated gifts to be raffled off. Over $500 dollars was raised just by selling the raffle tickets alone.

5 T-Shirts $2 from every t-shirt sold was donated to the Ronald McDonald House Charities.

6 Bar-B-Que Every girl was required to sell 5 barbeque tickets. Over 500 barbeque plates were sold.

7 POP TABS The Ronald McDonald House Charities also collect pop tabs. Our chapter set up a competition between the local elementary schools in Valdosta.

8 POP TABS The school that collects the most pop tabs gets a visit from Ronald McDonald. The class that collects the most pop tabs receives a Happy Meal for lunch.

9 The Ronald McDonald House The aim of the Ronald McDonald House is to provide comfort and “a home-away-from- home” for the families of seriously ill children. The Ronald McDonald House funds offer grants to non-profit organizations whose programs are for children in need.

10 Since the Ronald McDonald House was established, Alpha Delta Pi has contributed over $2.5 million to the effort.

11 The girls of Alpha Delta Pi spend time, energy, and money volunteering at many of the 240 houses across the world.

12 COMMUNITY SERVICE Community service is a good way to boost the self-confidence of yourself and others.

13 COMMUNITY SERVICE Community service is important because giving to others is a way to realize how privileged you are.

14 COMMUNITY SERVICE My day of community service was not only beneficial to the Ronald McDonald House, but I got a feeling of accomplishment and pride. I would do it again because I think that it is important to give back to the community.

15 The End

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