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Ensayo de arte. DIRECTONS 1.Write a paragraph about a work of art that interests you. 2.You must provide a COLOR copy of the work of art. 3.You must read.

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Presentation on theme: "Ensayo de arte. DIRECTONS 1.Write a paragraph about a work of art that interests you. 2.You must provide a COLOR copy of the work of art. 3.You must read."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ensayo de arte

2 DIRECTONS 1.Write a paragraph about a work of art that interests you. 2.You must provide a COLOR copy of the work of art. 3.You must read and critique a classmate’s paper.

3 Information Required 1.Give the name of the piece. 2.Tell who created the work of art. 3.Tell when it was created. 4.Describe the work of art. 5.Tell why you like it.

4 This work of art is entitled “I Forget”. It was painted by an unknown artist in the 21 st century. In this painting, there is blue figure sitting on gold globes. They are both on a pool of water. I like this painting because it makes me feel intelligent and at peace.

5 This sculpture is titled “Caesar Rodney”. Eddie Seger sculpted it in 1996. This sculpture depicts Caesar Rodney on his ride to sign the declaration of independence. Caesar is wearing a funny little hat and his horse is strong and beautiful. I like this sculpture because it makes me feel proud to be a Rider!

6 Summary: 1.Give the name of the piece. 2.Tell who created the work of art. 3.Tell when it was created. 4.Describe the work of art. 5.Tell why you like it. Must be typed You need a color copy of the piece It is Due on Tuesday, November 24 th.

7 RUBRIC 543210 GRAMMAR (Gender, Articles, Verb and Adjective Agreement) Few minor errors. Moderate errors that do not affect comprehensi on. Difficult to understand; repetitive pattern of errors. Severe errors; minimal comprehensi on. Not comprehensi ble. No effort, no response, or irrelevant to topic. Sentence Structure Near-perfect sentence structure. Complete sentences with few errors. Most sentences are complete. Some sentence fragments and/or run- on sentences. Fragments and run-on sentences appear frequently. No effort, no response, or irrelevant to topic. Organization, Development, and Completion of Requirements Ideas focused on topic and well supported; requirements completed. Most ideas focused on topic and/or most requirements completed. Moderate use of ideas with limited support of topic and/or some requirements not met. Ideas are hard to follow, little support of topic, and/or many requirements not met. No focus on topic, no support provided and/or requirements not met. No effort, no response, or irrelevant to topic. Accents, Punctuatio n and Spelling Consistently correct. Few errors. Some errors that do not interfere with comprehensi on. Frequent and/or repetitive errors that do not interfere with comprehension. Frequent errors that interfere with comprehensi on. Consistent errors that interfere with comprehensi on No effort, no response, or irrelevant to topic. COLOR PICTURE Nice size, not pixilated. Small or pixilated. Small and pixilated Small, pixilated and not neat. Horrible picture quality and choice! No picture at all.

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