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Thailand Grid and Networking: Infrastructure and Activities Putchong Uthayopas Director High Performance Computing and Networking Center Kasetsart University,

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Presentation on theme: "Thailand Grid and Networking: Infrastructure and Activities Putchong Uthayopas Director High Performance Computing and Networking Center Kasetsart University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thailand Grid and Networking: Infrastructure and Activities Putchong Uthayopas Director High Performance Computing and Networking Center Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand Vice Chairman Thailand National Grid Committee Ministry of Information and Communication Technology

2 Current Internet in Thailand 6 million users 18 Commercial ISP 2 Research and Education Networks International Bandwidth 2238.87 Mbps National Exchanges 17964.60 Mbps Total Domestic Traffic 8648.5 Gb/day Source




6 Current Research and Education Networks UNINET UNINET  27 state own universities  2 colleges  5 private universities  2 government institutes THAISARN THAISARN  10 state own universities  1 private universities  1 research institute  3 government institutes


8 UNINET OC-3 BackboneOC-3 Backbone Tentatively be upgraded to 1Gbps in the near futureTentatively be upgraded to 1Gbps in the near future

9 Current connectivity UNINET ISP NIX 1 Gbps THAISARN IIR 100 mbps 200 mbps APAN Internet2 NII

10 ThaiREN: Next Generation connectivity UNINET RENEX THAISARN APANInternet2 …….. DWDM Ring (1-10 Gbps) Funding MICT (CAT)

11 Activities Grid IPV6 E-science Application Network layer Middleware Layer Application Layer

12 IP V6 Effort Working Group  PSU, KU, AIT, KKU, RBU,CAT Activities  Building IPV6 Test bed Tunneling Partly Native IPV6 now (PSU, KKU, RBU, CAT)  Workshop and technology Transfer Direction  Extending the test bed  Promote adoption and application of IP V6 in Thailand

13 Thai e-science Project New project funded in 2003  Application oriented project Current members  Computational Chemistry Unit Cell, Department of Chemistry, Chulalongkorn University  Department of Computer Engineering, Chulalongkorn University  HPCNC, Kasetsart University Contact:  Dr. Prabhas Chongstitvatana (Associate Professor, Intelligent System Lab, Department of Computer Engineering, Chulalongkorn University)

14 ThaiGrid A partnership project to explore grid computing technology and application in Thailand. Project started since December 2000 Link: http://www.thaigrid.net Currently funded by  National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)  Commission on Higher Education, Ministry of Education Contact  Putchong Uthayopas, KU (  Vara Varavidthaya, KMITNB (

15 Members 8 universities  Kasetsart University  King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok  Suranaree University of Technology  Asian Institute of Technology  Chulalongkorn University  Walailak University  Chiangmai University  KMUTT 1 Government Agency  National Electronics and Computing Technology

16 Goal  Create a grid computing infrastructure for Thai researchers  Stimulate the deployment of Grid Computing Technology  Build a collaborative Research Network among Thai researchers  Act as a focal point for international grid collaboration


18 Resources (2003- First Part of 2004) KU  MAEKA 32 nodes 64 CPU dual processors AMD Opteron 1.4Ghz, 3GB Mem 80Gb HDD, Gigabit EthernetGASS 6 nodes 12 CPU AMD Athlon MP1800+, 1GB RAM 80 GB HDD Gigabit Ethernet  WARINE 16 nodes Celeron 2Ghz, 512 Mb RAM 80GB HDD, Fast Ethernet  AMATA 14 nodes AMD 1GHZ 512 MB 40GB Fast Ethernet Myrinet (6 nodes)  HPCNC 1 nodes ATHLON 1800+, 512 MB RAM, 80GB HDD  OBSERVER 1 nodes Athlon 1800+ 512 MB RAM, 80 GB HDD KMITNB  PALM 16 nodes Pentium 4 2GHz 512 MB RAM, Fast Ethernet  Enqueue 9 nodes 18 CPU Dual AMD 2.2GHz, 1GB RAM 32GFLOPs,2G Myrinet AIT  OPTIMA 8 nodes Athlon XP1800+ Fast Ethernet SUT  CAMETA 16 nodes Athlon XP1800+ Fast Ethernet Total of 166 processors on ThaiGrid

19 ThaiGrid core Network THAISARN  2 Mbps link supported by NECTEC NECTEC- KMITNB NECTEC- SUT  NECTEC-KU ATM 155Mbps UNINET  KU-UNINET 155 Mbps  AIT-UNINET 155Mbps UNINET-Internet 2 45Mbps

20 Concept Advanced network Grid Drug Design Life Science Animation Financial Analysis Simulation Modeling USERS

21 Example Application Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation  Scheduling  PGA Pack Computational Chemistry  GAMESS(General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System) Future  Life Science, Multimedia

22 DRUG DESIGN GRID Using grid technology to pull HPC resources together to support scientist mission  Cheminformatics  Drug design Partnership project  HPCNC/KU, LCAC/KU  IBM

23 Drug Design Grid AMATA 14 nodes Athlon 1Ghz Warine 16 nodes Celeron 2.0Ghz GASS 6 nodes 12 processors Athlon MP1800+ Maeka 16 nodes 32 processors Opteron system Total of 74 processors are involved AMATA KU Gigabit Campus Network WarineGASSMaeka Globus 2.4 SQMS SQMSG SCE Portal SCMSWeb


25 International Grid Collaboration APAN  Participation in Grid working group ApGrid project  Asia Pacific Grid technology test bed  APAG project International Access grid Test bed PRAGMA Project  Grid application test bed  GAMESS over the grid  NPACI Rocks / SCE  Gfarm


27 Thailand National Grid Project (TNGP) Proposed project funded by Ministry of Information and Communication technology  About 5.5 Million US$ ( 3 year Project) 3 main components  National Grid Committee  National Excellence Center for Grid Computing  National Grid Platform

28 Partner Institutions 16 institutions  Kasetsart University  Chulalongkorn University  King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok  King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang  King Mongkut’s University of Technology  Mahidol University  Chiangmai University  Prince of Songkla University  KhonKhaen University  Suranaree University of Technology  Asian Institute of Technology  Silpakorn University  Walailak University  Dept. of Metrological, Ministry of ICT  2 new one in the next 2 years

29 National Grid Committee A committee will be setup to oversee the grid development  Chair: Dr. Surapong Suebwonglee (Minister of ICT)  Vice Chair: Dr. Putchong Uthayopas (KU)  Secretary : Dr. Vara Varavidthaya (KMITNB)  Consists of representative from participant institutes  Advisory Committees Dr. Jack Dongarra (UTK) Dr. Thomas Sterling (NASA JPL) Dr. Satoshi Matsuoka (TITECH) Dr. Satoshi Sekiguchi (AIST) Prof. Yuen Poovarawan (KU, Thailand) Mission  Oversee the direction of Thailand Grid Computing Development  Encourage and stimulate grid computing development in Research Education Commercial

30 National Excellence Center on Grid Computing Located at Kasetsart University Mission  Conduct grid research projects  Oversee the Grid deployment  Education, technology transfer  Industry support

31 National Grid Platform Startup platform for nation wide grid deployment Concept  A 32 processors Beowulf clusters (16 systems) will be built for each partner institutes  Network upgrading to Gigabit in Bangkok and some upgrading in upcountry to increase bandwidth  Building a Terascale Cluster as a center for large computation shared by all Thai scientist

32 Current Status The concept has been approved by ICT minister.. Official committee setup is done Waiting for Budget approval and will start execution in about 3 months

33 Conclusion Thailand is in a big transition  More active in many area of science and technology : Life science, Nano Technology  Better national network infrastructure in the near future  Fuel by grid computing and many HPC application Look forward to being more active partner in global collaboration

34 The end

35 Software Local Resources Management  Condor  SQMS (KU)  SGE (Planned) Middleware  Globus 2.4 Grid Level Resource Management  SCEGrid Scheduler (KU) Data Grid  Gfarm Data Grid (AIST) Grid Programming Environment  Ninf GridRPC (AIST)  MPICH-G2 Tools  SCMSweb Monitoring (KU)

36 Tools Development OpenSCE: Cluster software Tools and Middleware (KU)  MPview – MPI program visualization  MPITH – Quick and simple MPI runtime for cluster and grid  SQMS – Batch scheduler for cluster  SCMS/ SCMSWEB cluster management tool ThaiGrid Portal (KMITNB) HypersimGrid Simulator for Grid design (KU)

37 Working Group Organization Chair Committee Grid Infrastructure and Middleware Group Simulation Group Computational Chemistry Group CFD Group Remote Sensing Group Evolutionary Comp. Group FEM Group

38 Activities Building ThaiGrid Testbed Research and Technology Transfer International Collaboration  ApGrid  PRAGMA  APAN Grid Working Group

39 NECTEC Computing System KU Computing System KMITNB Computing System SUT Computing System AIT Computing System LRM ThaiGrid Software Architecture Grid Middleware (Globus 2.4) Grid Resources Manager (SCEGrid) Grid RPC (ninf) Grid Tools Grid Applications LRM=Local Resources Manager

40 Grid Monitoring

41 Clean Room Project Member: KU, SUT Goal: study clean room using CFD  Three-Dimensional Turbulence Problem  Heat & Mass Transfer Using:  Finite volume, Multigrid, Parallel computing Solution: Grid is used to  Provided uniform security mechanism across the cluster computing environment  Provide mechanism for large scale data access Tools  Globus, MPICH  Grid RPC (ninf, netsolve)  Gfarm data grid

42 Software Structure Network Front End Sequential Solver Visualization Front End Sequential Solver Visualization Parallel CFD Solver Parallel CFD Solver

43 Simulation Many simulation and optimization problem can utilized grid and cluster well Parametric applications is perfect for grid Simulation job on the ThaiGrid  Genetic algorithm for optimization problem using PGApack  Grid simulation (HyperGridSim)

44 Computational Chemistry Laboratory for Computational and Applied Chemistry (LCAC), KU. Research  Zeolite Chemistry & Catalysis  Surface Structure & Reactivity of Advanced Materials  Drug Design for HIV, Avian Flu

45 Technology Transfer First Cluster Computing Workshop, KU (30) Second Cluster Workshop, KKU (25) Third Cluster Workshop, KU (25) First Drug Design Workshop, KU (60) First Windows Cluster Workshop, KU (12) 152 people being trained

46 Research and Development First Drug Design Grid Solution finished SCE roll Finished and will be released soon by SDSC as part of NPACI Rocks 3.2.0  Part of KU(HPCNC)/SDSC collaboration under PRAGMA consortium HPCNC researchers is now working with AIST Grid Research Center in building Gridftp and LUFS support into Gfarm grid File systems

47 Activities ApGrid  Provides resources  Middleware testing  Data grid (Gfarm)  Grid software stack (AIST)  Grid Monitoring and Management Technology PRAGMA  Provides resources  Grid fabric layer using ROCK/SCE (SDSC)  PRAGMA test bed (SDSC/BII) Monitoring Testing MPI over grid Scheduler deployment (SCEGrid)

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