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Unit 6 Dreams. LEADING IN Dreams really can come true! No matter how old you are, if you really and truly want something in life, you can get it if you.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Dreams. LEADING IN Dreams really can come true! No matter how old you are, if you really and truly want something in life, you can get it if you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 Dreams

2 LEADING IN Dreams really can come true! No matter how old you are, if you really and truly want something in life, you can get it if you try your best. When times are tough and others don ’ t believe that you can make your dream come true, look inside your heart and try even harder. When it comes right down to it, only you are in charge of where your life goes. Happy traveling!

3 EXPLORING 1.What factor is the most important is realizing your dream? 1.What may have to be given up for the realization of your dream?

4 Section A Language Points 1.occupation 1.occupation n. 1. [C] a job; employment [ 例 ] Please tell me your name, age and occupation. 2. [U] the act of occupying a place, or the state or period of being occupied [ 例 ] Union members are continuing their occupation of the factory.

5 2.economical adj. using money, time, goods, etc., carefully and without waste [ 例 ] I find it economical to shop in the large supermarkets. 3.aim n. 1. [C] the desired result of one's efforts; intention or purpose [ 例 ] Through years of effort, the young man realized his aim of becoming a storywriter. 4.mild adj. 1. gentle; not violent [ 例 ] a mild nature

6 6. all-too-often adv. too many times [ 例 ] The student was all-too-often absent-minded in class. 7. primary adj. 1. chief; main [ 例 ] The primary reason for advertising is to sell more goods. 2. earliest in time or order of development [ 例 ] The experiment is still in its primary stage.

7 8.practically adv. very nearly; almost [ 例 ] The room was practically full. 8.condition vt. train to behave in a certain way in certain conditions [ 例 ] Most of the students are conditioned to believe what their teachers tell them in class. [ 例 ] Most of the students are conditioned to believe what their teachers tell them in class. n.1. [C] the state of being or existence [ 例 ] As the patient was in critical condition, the ambulance sped away in a hurry. 2. [C] something that is stated as necessary in order for something else to happen or exist [ 例 ] He'll accept your offer on the condition that you are sincere.

8 9.bring up mention or bring to attention (a subject) [ 例 ] There is no need to bring up his past when we are considering him for employment. 10. in view of considering; take into consideration [ 例 ] In view of his young age, don't blame him too much. 11.provide for support; supply with the things necessary for life [ 例 ] Parents are expected to provide for their children.

9 Wish your dreams come true Bye

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