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1 nervous excitedhomesick no friends yet bombarded with information proud of their A level results pleased to get into university confident? first time.

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Presentation on theme: "1 nervous excitedhomesick no friends yet bombarded with information proud of their A level results pleased to get into university confident? first time."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 nervous excitedhomesick no friends yet bombarded with information proud of their A level results pleased to get into university confident? first time away from home responsible for their finances for the first time struggling to find their way around trying to impress? wondering what the tutors will be like

2 A community with... subject students peers younger/older staff

3 Academic and pastoral support –easiest and best? Key to student satisfaction A community with other students The best thing was: “The strong friendships built which have given me an excellent social life as well as a group who I can rely on for help, and who can rely on me to help them.” Induction activities Social activities Group projects Tutor groups Convenient/convivial workspaces Peer-assisted learning sessions Online forum/Facebook/MSN/email lists/… Not an add-on extra – probably the most important thing we can do to support them

4 Office hours/open doors Personal tutors Drop-in help Prompt online response Sharing the space (work, tea break, lunch) A community with staff “The tutors treat the students as equals, I have never been talked down to at [university]. I feel that the tutors and students work as a team aiming for one goal and that is the students understanding and enjoyment of the subject.” Treating students as partners Valuing their skills/aspirations /opinions Assuming they’ll live up to expectations Genuine involvement in decision making Staff’s positive attitude

5 Students thrive when they have an effective community which gives them –social life –personal support –academic support –a sense of belonging Students who thrive –are successful –are happy – in life and study –don‘t need our support very much –give us good ratings in the NSS We all benefit

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