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All About Tapirs Researched by Tara Dees All about Tapirs tapirs look something like pigs with their trunks Tapirs have a short prehensile trunk, which.

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2 All About Tapirs Researched by Tara Dees

3 All about Tapirs tapirs look something like pigs with their trunks Tapirs have a short prehensile trunk, which is really a extended nose and upper lip They are short-legged and heavy-bodied with small eyes, rounded ears and small trunks protruding over their mouths They have colors of black, gray,and brown They are mammals and weigh from 500 to 800 pounds They are as big as a 6 foot man on their back feet Their main source of food is grass and shrubs as well as certain roots They live 20 to 30 years Tapirs are shy and often travel near water. When they are disturbed, they will crash wildly through the underground and hide in the water.

4 The Tapirs habitat Tapirs are found in groups They live in tropical rain forest of Malaysia and central America Tapirs are at home in the water and often submerge to cool off They are excellent swimmers and can even dive to feed on a aquatic plants New world Tapirs generally live in the forest and grasslands of central and South America

5 Why Tapirs Are Endangered and What They are Doing to Help Tapirs are easy prey as they do not run fast and do not have a special defenses, therefore they easily become victims' to carnivores animals and hunters. Their habitat, the rainforest are also being quickly destroyed by human activities and leading even more to their decline People are trying to help them by taking them to safe places where they will not be attacked or frightened by other animals.

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