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Welcome to Our Families

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Our Families"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Our Families

2 Lesson 1 Family Members

3 In lesson 1 you will: meet some new family members;
find the family members on a poster; see that family members do jobs or work.

4 What is your family like?
What is a family? A family is a special group of people. What is your family like?

5 Our Families Poster What can you see? What objects can you see?
What people can you see? What activities or jobs can you see?

6 Where is Mrs Anna Crabtree?

7 Where is Grandma Moore?

8 Where is Luke Smith?

9 Where is Mr Jamal?

10 Where is Mr Moore?

11 Where is Aisha Jamal?

12 Where is Grandad Moore?

13 Where is Miss Smith?

14 Where is Jordan Moore?

15 Where is Mrs Jamal?

16 Where is Mr Crabtree?

17 Where is Vishnal Jamal?

18 Where is Lewis Moore?

19 Where is Hannah Smith?

20 Where is Mrs Moore?

21 The Jamal Family

22 The Smith Family

23 The Moore Family

24 The Crabtree Family

25 Questions How many families are there?
Which family has the fewest members? Which family has the most members? What jobs do the family members do?

26 About your families What jobs do your family do?
Do you help to do jobs? Which jobs do you help with?

27 Journal Activity Turn to pages 3 and 4 in your journal.
Find all the family members. Colour them in with a different colour for each different family.

28 Summary What have you learnt today? What is a family?

29 Lesson 2 Jobs of family members

30 In lesson 2 you will: see the jobs that family members do;
think about jobs and work; look at the tools that workers use to do their jobs.

31 What job do I have? Do you meet a lot of people when you do your job?
Do you wear a uniform? Do you work outside a lot?

32 What job do you have? Do you help people to cross the road?
Do you make people better? Do you build things? Do you deliver things? Do you handle money?

33 Which tools do I need? What does TOOLS mean?
Tools are items that help people to do their jobs properly. Turn to page 5 in your journal. Draw a line between the tool and the worker.

34 Summary What have you learnt in this lesson?
Why do family members have different jobs? Why are tools important for different workers? What would happen if they didn’t have their tools?

35 Needs and Wants of Families
Lesson 3 Needs and Wants of Families

36 In lesson 3 you will: explain what a need and a want is;
see that families must make choices about their needs and wants; see that we cannot always have what we want.

37 Needs and Wants What is a NEED?
A NEED is something everyone must have to survive. What is a WANT? A WANT is something we would like, but can do without.

38 Needs and Wants What do you need? What do you want?

39 A Television. A WANT

40 A house. A NEED

41 The Cinema. A WANT

42 A Hand Held Computer Game.

43 A Trip To The Funfair. A WANT

44 Clothes. A NEED

45 Food. A NEED

46 Water. A NEED

47 An Ice-cream. A WANT

48 Friends and Family. A NEED

49 Desert Island Activity
Turn to pages 7 and 8 in your journals. What items can you see? Which 5 items will you take with you? Why?

50 Desert Island Activity

51 Desert Island Items

52 Summary What have you learnt in this lesson? What is a NEED?
What is a WANT? Can you always have what you want? Why?

53 Where do we go to satisfy families’ needs and wants?
Lesson 4 Where do we go to satisfy families’ needs and wants?

54 In lesson 4 you will: identify the needs and wants of family members;
identify where families go to satisfy their needs and wants; find out that businesses exist to satisfy the needs and wants of families (and other businesses).

55 Needs and Wants Poster What is a map?
A map uses symbols to represent real things.

56 Where can you get this from?

57 Where can you get this from?

58 Where can you get this from?

59 Where can you get this from?

60 Where can you get this from?

61 Where can you get this from?

62 Needs and Wants of the Family.
Turn to pages 9 and 10 in your journal. Where do the family members need to go to meet their needs and wants? Stick the symbol sticker on your map in the right place. Draw a line from the symbol to the family member.

63 Summary What have you learnt today?
Where would your family do to get things they need or want? What happens if there aren’t any shops close by? Where do you go then?

64 Summary Do you always get what you want? Why?

65 How do families pay for their needs and wants?
Lesson 5 How do families pay for their needs and wants?

66 In lesson 5 you will: realise that families have to pay for things they need or want; realise that families have to make difficult choices; realise that families have different priorities when it comes to needs and wants.

67 Who is in the Moore family?
Mr Moore Mrs Moore Grandma Moore Grandad Moore Lewis Moore Jordan Moore

68 Mr Moore

69 Mrs Moore

70 Grandma Moore

71 Grandad Moore

72 Lewis Moore

73 Jordan Moore

74 How do we spend the family income?
Turn to pages 11 and 12 in your journal. Pretend you are part of the Moore family. Each family member has needs and wants. Each need and want costs money.

75 How do we spend the family income?
How will you spend the £250 family income? How will you spend the money for the good of the family as a whole? Stick the money sticker over the relevant item to pay for it.

76 Summary What have you learnt today?
How did you decide to spend the Moore family’s money? What would you do if you had less money? Does the Moore family have all the things they need?

77 Congratulations! “Our Families”
And finally… Congratulations! you have completed “Our Families”

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