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Presentation on theme: "“WILD ABOUT READING” BOOK CLUBS Mrs. T’s 3 rd Graders."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT ARE BOOK CLUBS? Book Clubs are small groups of readers that all read the same book at the same time. They meet to discuss events in the story, character development, confusing parts, and things that they’ve noticed. Book Clubs are only as strong as the members of the group. EVERYONE must participate! As with any club, cooperation is key.

3 HOW DO BOOK CLUBS WORK? - Groups are created based on reading levels and common interests by Mrs. T - Each group will be given a NEW book that’s been specially picked for you! - Each day, time will be given to read to a certain stop point agreed upon by the group. - Groups discuss a specific topic, assignment, or thinking question, each time they meet. - Each member of the group is responsible for reading their text and recording their thinking on their response sheet or log. - With more “eyes on the story” Book Clubs promote a deeper understanding of the story that a reader might not see if they were reading alone.

4 BOOK CLUB BAGS Every Book Club will have a bag assigned to them that contains:  A copy of the book for each member  A supply pouch with pencils, markers, and sticky notes  Any additional materials needed to complete the class assignments as a group  A folder (AM or PM) to store the reading logs and worksheets of the group memebers

5 BOOK CLUB ETIQUETTE - Be respectful of your group mates by your thoughts, words, and actions. - Be honest about your reading, you can’t fake it and make it with a Book Club group! - Do your part to meet the expectations agreed upon by the group. - Be ready and prepared each day that the group meets. - It’s OK to agree to disagree on an idea, as long as you have text evidence to support your opinion! - Settle disagreements in the group WITH the group. Good problem-solving groups become the strongest Book Club groups in Mrs. T’s class.

6 BOOK CLUB JOB DESCRIPTIONS: GAME WARDEN / DISCUSSION MANAGER: Helps keep the group on track with discussions and helps solve problems. The Manager will report directly to Mrs. T if a problem or concern arises that the group cannot fix. TIME KEEPER: Keeps the group on track by noticing how much class time remains for the day. Gives the group the “wrap up” warning when the last 5 minutes are up. BAGGAGE HANDLER: Responsible for collecting the group’s bag, passing out supplies, and returning everything neatly at the end of class. WORD WRANGLER: Finds and promotes good vocabulary words from the section read that day. GRAPHIC ARTIST: Creates the day’s image of the current events, characters, or problems. CONNECTOR: Responsible for making a solid connection between current and past text events.

7 READING AND RESPONDING: You will be asked to read and respond using all of our thinking styles! Right There Questions The answer to these questions is in one place and often the words from the question and the answer are in the same sentence. Think & Search Questions These answers are in the text, but may be a little harder to find. Author and Me Questions The answer is not in the text. You must think about what you learned from the text and what you know to get an answer. On My Own Questions The answer is not in the text. You must rely on what you know to answer.

8 BOOK CLUB 9-1-1! H ave the Manager of the group ask everyone to stop working. E xplain the problem clearly in a polite manner. L et everyone involved speak without interruption! The Manager will keep the discussion on topic. P roblem solve together and then move on with your task for the day


10 RESOURCES: Lesson Plan charts: student-book-980.html?tab=3#tabs student-book-980.html?tab=3#tabs Literature Circle Video: Created by Bethany Thompson for her totally awesome 3 rd graders at Pope Elementary!

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