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A warm welcome to our literacy café!. Our mission and passion…  Is to create a love of reading.  For reading to take place in a relaxed and informal.

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Presentation on theme: "A warm welcome to our literacy café!. Our mission and passion…  Is to create a love of reading.  For reading to take place in a relaxed and informal."— Presentation transcript:

1 A warm welcome to our literacy café!

2 Our mission and passion…  Is to create a love of reading.  For reading to take place in a relaxed and informal setting.  For you to share quality time with your child/ren.  To have fun!

3 How does the literacy café look?  We’ll spend the first 15 minutes sharing literacy tips and tricks and also finding out about what you feel you would like support with.  You will then collect your child/ren.  You can choose a book/s and you can write in your reading club record if you would like to.

4 How does the literacy café look? – continued.  At approximately 3.10 a “Big Book” will be read to the group.  Questions will be asked to the children about the book.  Activities and worksheets will be provided in relation to the book to enhance any learning that you might like to undertake at home.

5 Tips and tricks in sharing a book  Ask your child what interests them – are there any books they would like to share?  Read the story to your child.  As you go along you might like to ask questions such as…

6 Questions you might like to ask about the story:  What do you think might happen next?  Can you retell the story?  Who is their favourite character and why?  If they could change one thing about the book what might they change?

7  Why do you think? What is your opinion?  What is the theme/message?  How would you describe?  Can you think of any other stories like this one?

8 What can we do in our workbook?  You could write the title of the book and the short date e.g. 27.4.15.  You might like to ask your child/ren to draw their favourite character.  They might like to write a sentence/s about this.  They might like to draw their favourite part of the story.

9 Things you might like to undertake in the workbook - continued  Make a timeline of events in the book.  List all the people in the story.  List things you did not like.  Make suggestions as to how the story could be better.

10 Today’s story is called: The Rainbow Fish

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