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European Union Klosíková Tereza 4.B. Main institutions European Commission Council of EU European Parliament European Court of Justice European Central.

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Presentation on theme: "European Union Klosíková Tereza 4.B. Main institutions European Commission Council of EU European Parliament European Court of Justice European Central."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Union Klosíková Tereza 4.B

2 Main institutions European Commission Council of EU European Parliament European Court of Justice European Central Bank

3 European Commission

4 is the "government" submits suggestions for new legislation to the Parliament and to the Council implements EU policy and administers the budget make compliance with EU laws negotiate international treaties based in Brussels

5 Council of EU

6 summit of the Heads of Government chaired by the President of the European Council gives the necessary impluse for the development and sets out general objectives and priorities will not legislate based in Brussels not an institution

7 European Parliament

8 acts together with the Council as a legislator shares with the Council the budgetary power and decides in the last instance on the general budget of the EU exerts the democratic control over EU institutions including the European Commission and appoints the Commission members basic and plenary sessions in Strasbourg, General Secretariat in Luxembourg, primarily meets in Brussels

9 European Court of Justice

10 Looks after uniformity of interpretation of European law in all countries has the power to decide legal disputes between EU member states, EU institutions, businesses and individuals based in Luxembourg

11 European Central Bank

12 forms together with the national central banks the European System of Central Banks and thereby determins the monetary policy of the EU makes price stability in the eurozone by controlling the money supply based in Frankfurt am Main

13 Advantages High reduction of war probablilty All European countries that enter the E.U. are required to follow rules and restrictions that are good for their economy and development A European currency that lowers monetary instability, gets rid of exchange rates and buisness trade.

14 It strengthens each member country, because it is bound to other member countries and is therefore stronger against other big economies Europeans can move around freely within the European Union and therefore look for jobs in other countries than their own

15 Disadvantages Reduction of sovereignty when European Institutions ask countries to give some of their sovereign powers to the E.U. –which doesn't always benefit every country

16 My opinion I think that coming Czech Republic to European union was definitely beneficial for us. But accept the European currency it would be bad, becouse price of everything would be higher than before.

17 Questions 1.What are the names of 5 main institutions? 2.Give me some information about European Parliament. 3.What are the advantages of The European Union? 4.What are the disadvantages of The E.U. ? 5.Give me your opinion about E.U.


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