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 Nothing more important than the truth (Prov. 23:23).  Yet there seems to be precious little of it about these days!  Ferguson, MO  University of.

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Presentation on theme: " Nothing more important than the truth (Prov. 23:23).  Yet there seems to be precious little of it about these days!  Ferguson, MO  University of."— Presentation transcript:


2  Nothing more important than the truth (Prov. 23:23).  Yet there seems to be precious little of it about these days!  Ferguson, MO  University of Virginia  Politicians  Many more examples, but the truth proves to be an elusive and rare commodity. 2

3  Drives me crazy; I can only imagine how God feels about it (Prov. 23:23; Rev. 21:8).  Problem with truth exacerbated by postmodern philosophy:  “All truth is limited, approximate, and is constantly evolving.”  “Metaphysics is empty of content.”  “”Thus absolute truth…is unobtainable.”  P. K. Feyerabend: “The only absolute truth is that there is no absolute truth.” ( Judges 21:25; Jn. 8:32) 3


5  “Let your conscience be your guide.”  Our conscience is a product of what we’ve been taught (recall Concepts chart).  Saul consented to Stephen’s death and made havoc of the church! Acts 8:1-3  “Paul, did your conscience bother you?” No! Acts 23:1  “Let your conscience be your guide?” Not always! 5 How Do We Determine Truth?

6  What we think is important: Prov. 23:7  But truth is not determined by our thoughts: 2 Kgs. 5:11; Acts 26:9  God’s thoughts are not our thoughts! Isa. 55:8-9  Men are amazingly bold in speaking on behalf of God!  When we determine truth by what we think the floodgates of apostasy are opened! 6 How Do We Determine Truth?

7  “It just seems right to me.” Prov. 14:12  It “seemed right” to David:  He was having a great time: 2 Sam. 6:5  They did what seemed right to them: 2 Sam. 6:6-8  Wrong way to carry the ark: Ex. 25:14-15  Took David three months to come to his senses: Jer. 10:23; Prov. 14:12; 1 Chron. 15:13  “Well, it just seems right to me.” Watch out! 7 How Do We Determine Truth?

8  Proverbs 12:15  Remember the time of the judges? Judges 17:6; 21:25  Remember last Sunday’s AM lesson? 33,000+ denominations is the harvest when this philosophy is sown.  Better yet, look at today’s society: sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, abortion, etc.  When we do “what is right in our own eyes” we become fools and blind leaders of the blind: Matt. 15:14 8 How Do We Determine Truth?

9  “God wants me to be happy!”  Remember Jacob? Genesis 27:31-35  When we determine truth by our own feelings we are following the wrong path! Jer. 10:23 9 How Do We Determine Truth?

10  Many think it is within themselves to deter- mine truth.  Big ego! Smarter than God?! Isa. 55:8-9; Col. 2:2-3  Adam and Eve thought they could become as smart as God…how did that work out?! Gen. 3:4-6  Truth does not arise from with us! Jer. 10:23 10 How Do We Determine Truth?

11  Many follow what is handed down to them.  That’ s what Paul did: Gal. 1:14  The scribes and Pharisees followed the traditions of men: Matthew 15  Many follow traditions today; we see it in others, but can we see it in ourselves? Matt. 15:9 11 How Do We Determine Truth?

12  Many follow their parents and do precious little investigation of truth on their own.  Obedience to our parents is good, but: Eph. 6:1; Acts 5:29  Cannot reject truth even if it casts our parents in a negative light: Matt. 10:34-37  Our faith must be our faith! Matt. 10:37 12 How Do We Determine Truth?

13  Many follow what men say because they consider them experts.  No amount of degrees or years of experience can establish truth on its own: Jn. 14:6  Ok to use reference works, but be very careful: Matt. 10:34-37  Paul wrote that our “…faith should not stand in the wisdom of men…” 1 Cor. 2:3 13 How Do We Determine Truth?

14  Democracy is great, but it does not necessarily determine truth.  By majority vote the Presbyterian Church USA voted to sanction same-sex marriage.  They claim a desire to be inclusive: 1 Cor. 6:9- 10; Matt. 7:13-14  When truth is “determined” by popular vote or majority rule, error will the rule not truth! 14 How Do We Determine Truth?

15  Jesus said, “…thy word is truth” Jn. 17:17  It is so simple! Rom. 4:3; Jer. 2:2  God’s word is always the ultimate arbiter of truth! 1 Pet. 4:11; 2 Tim. 2:15  Must always properly handle God’s word: 2 Pet. 3:16; Gen. 3:3-4; Matt. 4:5-6; 27:5; Lk. 10:37; Jn. 13:27  God’s word is the sole source of truth! Jn. 12:48; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Isa. 8:20; Jn. 14:15; Rev. 22:18-19 15 How Do We Determine Truth?

16  John 8:31-32  Jeremiah 6:16  Proverbs 23:23 16 How Do We Determine Truth?

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