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Professional Development: What are we missing? Laurie Dubois, C-TAGME Administrative Director of Medical Education Boston Medical Center

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development: What are we missing? Laurie Dubois, C-TAGME Administrative Director of Medical Education Boston Medical Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development: What are we missing? Laurie Dubois, C-TAGME Administrative Director of Medical Education Boston Medical Center

2 Objectives  Gain insight into the types of professional development activities your BUMC peers are involved in  Learn more about what opportunities are out there for you  Gain insight into national norms and perceptions of professional development (based on preliminary survey findings)  Explore and discuss some of the barriers we face and how they can be overcome  Network with colleagues and have fun 2

3 Professional Development noun 1 the advancement of skills or expertise to succeed in a particular profession, esp. through continued education Word Origin 1857

4 Survey Administration BUMC Date Range: 11/24/14-12/17/14 Respondents: 28 National Dates: 12/1/14-12/22/14 Respondents: 89

5 5 Affiliation

6 6 Experience

7 Average Month 7

8 8 When?

9 9 Are you satisfied?

10 10 Importance to you?

11 Barriers? 11

12 What can departments and/or institutions do?  Provide me with an office with a door!  Provide incentive for completion of specified curriculum  Provide protected time for participation  Offer financial support  Keep us informed of various opportunities  Additional staff support  Supervisors should involve administrators in non-clinical research projects  More encouragement to participate  Support with learning how to do things like, research, writing, etc.  On site development seminars 12

13 What can you do?  Apply for DOM Administrative Professional Development Grant  Join a professional organization  Make it a priority and block time for it… set goals  Advocate for yourself  Make an effort to recognize your colleagues for their achievements  Realize that PD is not one size fits all  Keep the conversation alive  Learn from and support each other! 13

14 Professional Organizations AAIM  AIM  APDIM  CDIM NCURA COMSEP MSAMA Practice Manager Network PMI APHA 14

15 15 Attendance at national meetings?

16 16 Impact on overall job satisfaction?

17 Special Thanks All who completed the original survey! 17

18 Citations 1 "professional development."'s 21st Century Lexicon., LLC. 24 Mar. 2015.. development 18

19 Professional Development: What are we missing? Laurie Dubois, C-TAGME Administrative Director of Medical Education Boston Medical Center

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