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European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management Using.

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Presentation on theme: "European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management Using."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management Using the PowerPoint Template Last revision: Melania Mateias | September 2011

2 Using the PowerPoint Template European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management | Slide 2 Basics I I First, keep in Mind: The template should not be changed. This means: All text frames stay where they are All font sizes and fonts stay as they are Effects are changed only slightly I The Background Image Change the background image, and the footer/header, in the master: view > slides master. Be sure to put the white to transparent gradient back into place after including the image.

3 Using the PowerPoint Template European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management | Slide 3 Basics II I The Title of your Presentation Put the title (max. two lines) in long on the first slide. Also include one line (in smaller type) for the names of the lecturers as well as the date, if you want to Put the title or a short form of the title on the top of each master. You may also use two lines here. Put the lecturers (and date) on the bottom of each master Be aware: Copy-pasting the titles will likely screw up the fonts! I Adding Content Just add content. Don’t play around with anything. Get your spacings to look nice.

4 Using the PowerPoint Template European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management | Slide 4 Advanced Editing II I Placing Images Apply a grey line of 1.5 pt around the images Square or half square images are cool. Use cropping to achieve this If you put an image over the ESTIEM logo, be sure to repeat the logo by copying it from one of the masters

5 European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management Any Questions?

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