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Student: Alex Keating Project Advisor: Dr. Aleksander Malinowski Project Co-advisor: Dr. José Sánchez 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Student: Alex Keating Project Advisor: Dr. Aleksander Malinowski Project Co-advisor: Dr. José Sánchez 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student: Alex Keating Project Advisor: Dr. Aleksander Malinowski Project Co-advisor: Dr. José Sánchez 1

2  Project summary  Relevance  Beagleboard-XM  System block diagram  Transducer  Receiving Sensor  Beam Forming  More Distances  Goals for Rest of Semester  Acknowledgement & Q/A 2

3  The goal of this project is to create an autonomous vehicle that is more efficient, versatile and an overall better platform for future development. The prototype will test the efficiency of using an on-board DSP to process and control an array of ultrasonic transducers. The resulting system will then be compared to the conventional system already equipped into the Pioneer 3 vehicle. 3

4  Using the Beagleboard-XM and DSP techniques fewer sensors can achieve results that are comparable to conventional sensors.  Implementation of Beagleboard–XM will be use of a more current technology. 4


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7 7 Transducer

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11  Developing Gantt chart  Determining A/D  Building & modeling transducer  Building & modeling receiver

12 Acknowledgement & Q/A  References:  Kinser, Lawrence E., Austin R. Frey, Alan B. Coppens, and James V. Sanders. Fundamentals of Acoustics - 4th Edition. Print.  Jang, Won Suk. "Embedded System for Construction Material Tracking Using Combination of Radio Frequency and Ultrasound Signal." (2007). Web..  "Http://" Web. 15 Nov. 2011.. 12 ----------Q/A----------

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