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ACT/SAT Words of the Day 2013-2014 Cabell Midland High School Week 24 February 17-21, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "ACT/SAT Words of the Day 2013-2014 Cabell Midland High School Week 24 February 17-21, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACT/SAT Words of the Day 2013-2014 Cabell Midland High School Week 24 February 17-21, 2014

2 Cabell Midland High School Monday, February 17, 2014 FUTILE – ADJECTIVE /FYOO-til/ 1.Definition: Useless 2.Synonym: Hopelessly ineffective 3.Antonym: Having purpose 4.The cow tried to fly, but it was a futile effort.

3 Cabell Midland High School Tuesday, February 18, 2014 TIER 2 TUESDAY COMPONENT – NOUN /kəm-ˈpō-nənt/ 1.Definition: One of the parts of something 2.Synonym: An important piece of something 3.Antonym: A whole 4.Hard work has been a major component of his success.

4 GARBLED – ADJECTIVE /GAR-bulled/ Cabell Midland High School Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1.Definition: Changed so much that the original meaning has been distorted 2.Synonym: Scrambled 3.Antonym: Clarify 4.The email came through, but it was garbled.

5 GARNER – VERB /GARR-ner/ Cabell Midland High School Thursday, February 20, 2014 1.Definition: Collect 2.Synonym: Gather 3.Antonym: Spread 4.His songs have garnered many awards.

6 Cabell Midland High School Friday, February 21, 2014 GERMANE – ADJECTIVE /jer-MAYNE/ 1.Definition: Relevant 2.Synonym: Fitting 3.Antonym: Irrelevant 4.When writing an essay, focus on the germane points.

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