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OPEN ACCESS IN INTER STATE TRANSMISSION. Gazette Notification of Open Access in inter state transmission systemGazette Notification of Open Access in.

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2 Gazette Notification of Open Access in inter state transmission systemGazette Notification of Open Access in inter state transmission system Reservation of Short term customers to be done on first cum first serve basis upto the dateReservation of Short term customers to be done on first cum first serve basis upto the date RLDCs to post the information on the website RLDCs to post the information on the website RLDCs to formulate a detailed proceedure for reservation of transmission capacityRLDCs to formulate a detailed proceedure for reservation of transmission capacity including bidding procedure for short term customersincluding bidding procedure for short term customers Various commercial conditions for facilitating open access shall be standaradised by CTU/RLDCVarious commercial conditions for facilitating open access shall be standaradised by CTU/RLDC RLDC to give notice to existing bilateral traders for submission of application for grantRLDC to give notice to existing bilateral traders for submission of application for grant of access to transmission systemof access to transmission system Bidding for reservation of transmission capacityBidding for reservation of transmission capacity SLDCs to post the information on web siteSLDCs to post the information on web site Gazette Notification of Open Access in inter state transmission system 06-Feb-04 Receipt of application from the sellers/buyers/traders of the existing transactions 05-May-04 Open access for the existing sellers/buyers/traders starts as per CERC norm 20-May-04 Open access for the new transactions will start from the date of issue of guidelines by CTU 06-May-04 Reservation of existing buyers/sellers/traders will be done on first cum first serve basis upto 19-May-04 RLDCs to post the information on the website 07-Mar-04 SLDCs to post the information on web site 04-Aug-04 TIMEFRAME FOR OPEN ACCESS

3 INTRODUCTION Open Access is necessary for utilization of short time surpluses. Open Access is necessary for utilization of short time surpluses. Open Access will also create options for distribution companies to buy power. Open Access will also create options for distribution companies to buy power. Open Access will provide means to the traders/buyers/sellers. Open Access will provide means to the traders/buyers/sellers.

4 DEFINITION OF “OPEN ACCESS” IN THE ELECTRICITY ACT, 2003 “The non-discriminatory provision for the use of transmission lines or distribution system or associated facilities with such lines or system by any licensee or consumer or a person engaged in generation in accordance with the regulations specified by the Appropriate Commission”

5 LEGAL FRAMEWORK SECTION 38: CTU to provide open access to Genco, Licensees and any eligible Customer. CTU to provide open access to Genco, Licensees and any eligible Customer. State Commission to allow open access to consumers on payment of surcharge in addition to transmission charges. State Commission to allow open access to consumers on payment of surcharge in addition to transmission charges. Surcharge shall be for meeting cross subsidy, while additional surcharge for stranded cost, if any. Surcharge shall be for meeting cross subsidy, while additional surcharge for stranded cost, if any. Surcharge to be progressively reduced and eliminated. Surcharge to be progressively reduced and eliminated. Surcharge not payable in case of captive generation for own use. Surcharge not payable in case of captive generation for own use.

6 LEGAL FRAMEWORK Section 39 and 40 Similar provisions for STU and Transmission Licensee. Similar provisions for STU and Transmission Licensee. Section 42 State Commission to introduce Open Access in Distribution in phases and conditions to be specified within one year. State Commission to introduce Open Access in Distribution in phases and conditions to be specified within one year.

7 LEGAL FRAMEWORK Inter-State Transmission System Any system for conveyance of electricity by means of main transmission line from the territory of one State to another State. Any system for conveyance of electricity by means of main transmission line from the territory of one State to another State. The conveyance of electricity across the territory of an intervening State which is incidental to such inter-State transmission of electricity. The conveyance of electricity across the territory of an intervening State which is incidental to such inter-State transmission of electricity. The transmission of electricity within a State on a system built, owned, operated, maintained or controlled by CTU. The transmission of electricity within a State on a system built, owned, operated, maintained or controlled by CTU. Intra-State Transmission System Intra-State Transmission System Other than inter-State transmission. Other than inter-State transmission.

8 LEGAL FRAMEWORK CTU can not engage in generation and trading (Section 38) CTU can not engage in generation and trading (Section 38) STU can not engage in trading (Section 39) STU can not engage in trading (Section 39) Transmission Licensee can not engage in trading (Section 41) Transmission Licensee can not engage in trading (Section 41)

9 Direct customer - A person directly connected to the system owned or operated by the Central Transmission Utility Embedded customer A person who is not a direct customer A person who is not a direct customer Existing beneficiary A person having firm allocation from a central power generating station on the date of coming into force of these regulations and who has entered into Bulk Power Transmission Agreement with the Central Transmission Utility

10 Open access customer A consumer permitted by the State Commission to receive supply of electricity from a person other than distribution licensee of his area of supply, and the expression includes a generating company and a licensee, who has availed of or intends to avail of open access Transmission Customer Any person, including open access customer using transmission system of a transmission licensee

11 OPEN ACCESS IN INTER-STATE TRANSMISSION Categorization of Transmission customers long term customers => 25 years short term customers. <= 1 year Access to Transmission System long term customers - transmission planning criteria short term customers - availability of transmission capacity Allotment priority of long term customers shall be higher than that of short term customers

12 NODAL AGENCY Long term access - Central Transmission Utility or TS provider in whose system the drawal point is located. Short term access - RLDC of the Region where the drawal of electricity is situated.

13 Procedure for Long Term Access Application to be submitted to CTU (Nodal Agency) Application to be submitted to CTU (Nodal Agency) Details of Capacity needed, points of injection and drawal, duration, peak load, average load etc to be specified. Details of Capacity needed, points of injection and drawal, duration, peak load, average load etc to be specified. Non refundable fee of Rs.One Lakh. Non refundable fee of Rs.One Lakh. CTU to opine whether open access can be allowed with/without system augmentation CTU to opine whether open access can be allowed with/without system augmentation If system augmentation is not required – Intimate OA customer the start date If system augmentation is not required – Intimate OA customer the start date If system augmentation is required – Details to be given to OA customer within 90 days of receipt of application. If system augmentation is required – Details to be given to OA customer within 90 days of receipt of application. All long term customers should enter into BPTA with Transmission licensee. All long term customers should enter into BPTA with Transmission licensee.

14 Procedure for Short Term Access Application to be submitted to RLDC (Nodal Agency) Application to be submitted to RLDC (Nodal Agency) Details of reservation needed, points of injection and drawal, duration. Details of reservation needed, points of injection and drawal, duration. Non refundable fee of Rs.5000/-. Non refundable fee of Rs.5000/-. This fee shall not be adjusted towards RLDC fees. This fee shall not be adjusted towards RLDC fees.

15 Time-schedule for Processing Short Term Customer Application Up to One day 12 hours Up to one week Two days Up to one month Seven days Up to one year Thirty days

16 Payments to be made by a Short term customer a) Transmission charges i) Each STU/SEB/transmission licensee involved. ii) Each Regional transmission system involved iii) Inter-regional transmission system involved. iii) Inter-regional transmission system involved. b) Scheduling and system operation charges. i) Each SLDC involved. ii) Each RLDC involved. c) Handling and service charges. Full amount computed @ 2% of {(a) + (b)}above. d) Non refundable fee : Rs. 5,000/-

17 Procedure for Bidding RLDC concerned shall invite bids if transmission capacity reservation sought by short term customer is more than the availability in a particular transmission corridor The floor price of the bids for short term customer shall be about 1/4 th rate chargeable from long term customer and will be in Rupees per MW per day. If customer gets the quantum of power he has bid for – he has to pay the price quoted by ‘last’ customer. If customer gets a quantum lesser than that he has bid for – he gets to pay his bid price

18 PROCEDURE FOR CURTAILEMENT In case of transmission constraint, if curtailment is necessary then, In case of transmission constraint, if curtailment is necessary then, Short term customers first Short term customers first Long term customers next Long term customers next Within the category, OA customers have OA customers have curtailment on pro rata basis

19 Revenue from Short term Open access customers 25% of the revenue received from short term customer to be retained by Transmission licensee for system Augmentation works. :- Signal for transmission addition Balance 75% shall be used for reduction of transmission charges for existing long term customers.

20 Transmission Charges In an Un-congested corridor – Short term customers pay ¼ of Charges applicable to Long- Term customers In an Un-congested corridor – Short term customers pay ¼ of Charges applicable to Long- Term customers Annual Transmission charges of previous financial year to be used – Rs/MW/Day. Annual Transmission charges of previous financial year to be used – Rs/MW/Day. Minimum transmission charges will be for ONE day and in multiples thereof. Minimum transmission charges will be for ONE day and in multiples thereof. This price will also serve as the floor price in case bidding has to be done. This price will also serve as the floor price in case bidding has to be done. With bidding, transmission charges of power flowing on a corridor can have multiple prices. With bidding, transmission charges of power flowing on a corridor can have multiple prices.

21 OPEN ACCESS IN INTER-STATE TRANSMISSION Any mismatch between schedule and actual drawals at the drawal point and at the injection point shall be met from the grid and its price shall be governed by the frequency linked unscheduled energy inter-change pricing mechanism already applicable to inter-State transaction under the ABT. Any mismatch between schedule and actual drawals at the drawal point and at the injection point shall be met from the grid and its price shall be governed by the frequency linked unscheduled energy inter-change pricing mechanism already applicable to inter-State transaction under the ABT. All customers directly connected to POWERGRID network shall have to pay reactive energy charges calculated as per the existing scheme. All customers directly connected to POWERGRID network shall have to pay reactive energy charges calculated as per the existing scheme. All transmission customers directly connected to POWERGRID network shall be required to install special energy meters capable of time differentiated measurement of active energy and voltage differentiating measurement of reactive energy. All transmission customers directly connected to POWERGRID network shall be required to install special energy meters capable of time differentiated measurement of active energy and voltage differentiating measurement of reactive energy.

22 OPEN ACCESS IN INTER-STATE TRANSMISSION All users shall pay average energy loss in the transmission system as estimated by the State and Regional Load Dispatch Centre concerned. The energy loss shall be adjusted in kind i.e. average loss in transmission shall be compensated by additional injection at the injection point. All users shall pay average energy loss in the transmission system as estimated by the State and Regional Load Dispatch Centre concerned. The energy loss shall be adjusted in kind i.e. average loss in transmission shall be compensated by additional injection at the injection point. Any complaint regarding delays, discrimination and lack of information in the matter of open access in inter-state transmission shall be directed to the Member Secretary of Regional Electricity Board of the Region. Any unresolved problem or dispute could be referred to the Commission. Any complaint regarding delays, discrimination and lack of information in the matter of open access in inter-state transmission shall be directed to the Member Secretary of Regional Electricity Board of the Region. Any unresolved problem or dispute could be referred to the Commission.


24 INJECTION POINT : DVC state periphery DRAWAL POINT : KSEB state periphery INTERVENING REGION : Nil TRANSMISSION CHARGES : (in Rs.) ER : ER_ST_Rate X 100 X30 GAJUWAKA HVDC : Jey_Gaju_ST_RateX100X30 SR : SR_ST_Rate x100X30 SCHEDULING CHARGES : (in Rs.) ERLDC : 3000X30 SRLDC : 3000X30 TRANSMISSION LOSS : Say SR (3%) and ER (3.5%) Injection at ER- SR Periphery : 103 MW Injection at DVC Periphery : 106.6 MW


26 INJECTION POINT : G1 in WBSEB state periphery DRAWAL POINT : D1 in KSEB state periphery INTERVENING REGION : Nil TRANSMISSION CHARGES : (in Rs.) WBSEB: WBSEB_ST_RateX100X30 ER: ER_ST_Rate X 100 X30 GAJUWAKA HVDC : Jey_Gaju_ST_RateX100X30 SR : SR_ST_Rate x100X30 KSEB : KSEB_ST_RateX100X30 SCHEDULING CHARGES : (in Rs.) WBSEBLDC : 3000X30 ERLDC : 3000X30 SRLDC : 3000X30 KSEBLDC : 3000X30 TRANSMISSION LOSS : Say WBSEB (5%) SR (3%) and ER (3.5%) KSEB(5%) Injection at KSEB State’s Periphery : 105 MW Injection at ER- SR Periphery : 108.2 MW Injection at WBSEB State Periphery : 111.9 MW Injection at WBSEB(G1) State Periphery : 117.5 MW

27 ST_RATE FOR THE YEAR 04-05 ERTS SYSTEM: 314 RS per MW per day SRTS SYSTEM: 701 RS per MW per day NRTS SYSTEM: 650 RS per MW per day WRTS SYSTEM: 340 RS per MW per day NERTS SYSTEM: 920 RS per MW per day JEYPORE- GAJUWAKA HVDC : 1463 RS per MW per day BHADRAVATHI HVDC : 882 RS per MW per day (ER-SR) (WR-SR)


29 Agencies involved in Open Access Transaction RLDC (s) RLDC (s) SLDC (s) SLDC (s) CTU CTU STU (s) STU (s) Buyer Buyer Seller Seller Trader Trader

30 Responsibilities Many Agencies involved in day to day operation Many Agencies involved in day to day operation RLDC – fully responsible for inter-State and inter-Regional transfer. RLDC – fully responsible for inter-State and inter-Regional transfer. SLDC – full responsibility for intra-State system SLDC – full responsibility for intra-State system

31 Responsibilities of RLDCs/SLDCs RLDCs and SLDCs are fully responsible for day to day operation. RLDCs and SLDCs are fully responsible for day to day operation. Congestion in system to be decided judiciously. Congestion in system to be decided judiciously. Each and every decision have monetary implication, so one has to be very careful. Each and every decision have monetary implication, so one has to be very careful. Every decision can be questioned by the affected party. So, Every decision can be questioned by the affected party. So, Our System should be totally transparent. Our System should be totally transparent. Every one to be treated equally. Every one to be treated equally. Judicious decisions to be taken. Judicious decisions to be taken. No decisions to be taken in a hurry under pressure from buyer, seller or trader. No decisions to be taken in a hurry under pressure from buyer, seller or trader.

32 Responsible and separate identified persons to be allowed to handle it. Responsible and separate identified persons to be allowed to handle it. Time management and quick actions is required from RLDC/SLDCs. Time management and quick actions is required from RLDC/SLDCs. CTU and STU roles are to inform about capacity of individual links. CTU and STU roles are to inform about capacity of individual links. Analysis of congestion in inter-State system and inter-Regional links to be done by RLDCs. Analysis of congestion in inter-State system and inter-Regional links to be done by RLDCs. Analysis of congestion in intra-State system is to be done by respective SLDCs. Analysis of congestion in intra-State system is to be done by respective SLDCs.


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