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Eve Powell-Griner National Center for Health Statistics Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics Microdata Release.

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Presentation on theme: "Eve Powell-Griner National Center for Health Statistics Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics Microdata Release."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eve Powell-Griner National Center for Health Statistics Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics Microdata Release Policy National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)

2 Microdata A data file in which each record provides information at the unit level of data collection, including  Individual persons  Households  Family  Events

3 NHIS Policy Consistent with policies of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Guiding principle of making high quality data available  As widely as practicable  As soon as possible after data collection  In as much detail as possible  While honoring statements in informed consent documents of survey participants  And adhering to statutory confidentiality restrictions (42 U.S.C. 242m(d).

4 Public Use Microdata Files Contain no personal identifier or confidential information Available to everyone Current file released in December of year following data collection Releases available on NCHS Internet

5 NHIS Non-Public Microdata Contain information which may pose risk of identification of respondent(s)  Detailed information on race, geographic area, occupation, etc.  Unusual characteristics of respondent Access strictly limited

6 Access to Nonpublic Microdata Special use agreement required Access dependent upon  Compliance with statutory restrictions 42 U.S.C. 242m(d)  Respondent informed consent permits proposed use  Demonstrated need for access  Ability to provide adequate safeguards

7 Four Mechanisms for Access to Nonpublic Use Microdata files NHIS/Collaborator Quality Assurance Agreements NHIS Data Support Agreements NHIS Special Use Data Agreements NCHS Research Data Center Agreements

8 NHIS/Collaborator Quality Assurance Agreements Initiated by NHIS Only between NHIS and collaborators with a signed inter-agency funding agreement Only for purposes of assessing data quality Access to partial file, not full microdata file

9 NHIS Data Support Agreements Require signed agreement to assist in data collection or processing Initiated by the NHIS program Restricted to funding partners

10 NHIS Collaborator Formal working relationship Relationship begins at start of survey (planning and design stage) Requires formal, legal agreements Usually another federal agency Informed consent documents must permit collaboration NOT A MEANS OF EARLY ACCESS TO FILES

11 NHIS Special Use Data Agreements Occurs under special circumstances Limited non-public data access Requires Memorandum of Understanding, Inter- Agency Agreement or other instrument Usually federal/state agency, other organization Access not to exceed one calendar year NOT A MEANS OF EARLY ACCESS TO DATA

12 Research Data Center Provides a mechanism for researchers to access:  Data not released to the public because of nondisclosure or confidentiality reasons Small area or micro data Merges to other data files Each request is considered on a case-by- case basis

13 NCHS Research Data Center (RDC) Access occurs within NCHS, often by NCHS or approved staff Non-NCHS researcher submits research proposal to RDC All approved research must have funding to pay for costs of research

14 Important Internet Web Sites for Policy Information The CDC/ATSDR policy on releasing and sharing data may be accessed at the NCHS data release policy may be accessed at

15 NCHS Data Research Center Information on submission of a research proposal to the RDC available at

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