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2 500 100 400 300 200 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 500

3 Back What element of art has length and width and depth?

4 Backform

5 These types of shapes are________ because they are based on nature and look like flowers.

6 organic Back

7 This landscape has a palette of what kinds of colors? Back

8 Warm colors (BONUS- name 3 cool colors Back

9 “Symmetric” is a type of _______________.

10 Balance- BONUS- what other type of BALANCE did we learn about? Double bonus- name an artwork that has that type of balance. Back

11 This artwork is drawn with what type of LINE?

12 Contour Back

13 Red, Yellow, and Blue are known as PURE colors. They are also known as _______________.

14 Back Primary Colors Bonus….why are they called PRIMARY?

15 What principle of design indicates movement, flow, or pattern? Back

16 Rhythm BONUS- what is a focal point?

17 What culture does this artwork come from? Back

18 Native American/ Haida Tribe Bonus- what type of balance does it have?

19 Back Explain the third eye rule.

20 Back Spacing between the eyes. BONUS- where is the keystone?

21 What is the ‘subject’ of this artwork? Back

22 Portrait Bonus-how is it different than a ‘narrative?’ Double bonus- what type of balance does a face have?

23 When all parts of an artwork are working together, the artwork has _________. Back

24 Unity

25 Explain the “Law of Disappearance” as it applies to perspective. Back

26 Things get smaller as they get farther away. Things get smaller as they get farther away. Back

27 Dragons are symbols from which two cultures? Back

28 Medieval/European and Asian/Chinese

29 Back What type of dragon is this?

30 Medieval Bonus- which two traits helped you figure that out? Back

31 Name the ‘subject’ of this artwork. Back

32 abstraction

33 The point where vision ends. Where all diagonal lines converge in a perspective drawing.

34 Back Vanishing point

35 Back When BLACK is added to a COLOR, it darkens to a _________________.

36 BackShade

37 This flower has what type of balance? Back

38 Radial Bonus- what CULTURE did we study when we created radial design color wheels??

39 Back This type of paint technique is very blurry and fuzzy.

40 Back Wet into wet

41 Back What “subject” is an Illuminated Manuscript?

42 Back Narrative- tells a story

43 Native American subject matter tends to be based on what? Back

44 Abstractions and animals

45 BackDailyDouble

46 Which fits? Describe or analyze? “The subject is birds. There are three.”

47 Back Describe Bonus- analyze it

48 Back Which fits? Interpret or Evaluate? “It symbolizes power.”

49 Back interpret Bonus- give an evaluative comment

50 Back What is the focal point?

51 Back Blue Jay- bonus- Define focal point

52 Back In perspective drawing, what is the line that divides the earth from the sky?

53 Back Horizon line

54 Place your bets. If you don’t have any money, you can borrow from the bank of Baumhardt…but do not try this outside of this classroom…her checks are no good! Is anyone even reading this?

55 Back Name 5 subjects of art

56 Still life Landscape Portrait Narrative Abstraction

57 This Jeopardy Game was Created by: Sara Feltman, 5th Grade Teacher Scott Elementary School 1999-2000 School Year

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