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Nature in Art = Art in Nature By Genifer Best - Elementary Art Specialist Alice Carlson Applied Learning Center January 10, 2009 Fitzgerald Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Nature in Art = Art in Nature By Genifer Best - Elementary Art Specialist Alice Carlson Applied Learning Center January 10, 2009 Fitzgerald Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature in Art = Art in Nature By Genifer Best - Elementary Art Specialist Alice Carlson Applied Learning Center January 10, 2009 Fitzgerald Elementary

2 Teton Science Schools Experience

3 Place Based Education What is it? –It is creating a personal sense of belonging in the world…beginning with “where you are now” –It is a way of connecting - deeply to your surroundings –It is not connected to a specific place The outdoor classroom is an educational tool, but it is just a component of the whole.

4 Learning to Care School Yard Neighborhood Watershed Greater Community

5 Using Art to Teach Life Cycles A process approach to artwork frees everyone from “mistakes”! Processes in Nature = Processes in Art In artwork throughout the ages, the circle of life has been depicted literally, metaphorically, ironically, emotionally…you name it!

6 We Are One All living things on Earth share a common origin. We all have bodies made of Earth and share the same life- materials.

7 We are all made of stardust. We all have bodies made of six elements which were born in the heart of a dying star – atoms of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur.

8 We all share sunlight energy; we all share the same water. We all live in communities. * From www.morning-earth.orgwww.morning-

9 Simplified “Circle of Life”

10 From Life…A Study of Georgia O’Keeffe


12 To Death…Decomposition in Nature and Art

13 To Birth…A New Form Emerges Plantable paper that will become flowers again in the Spring.

14 Movement, change, light, growth and decay are the lifeblood of nature, the energies that I try to tap through my work. I need the shock of touch, the resistance of place, materials and weather, the earth is my source. – Andy Goldsworthy

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