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Day 5. Sit With Your Groups From Yesterday. Later today, your group will have your own country. Pick/create a name for your country.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 5. Sit With Your Groups From Yesterday. Later today, your group will have your own country. Pick/create a name for your country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 5

2 Sit With Your Groups From Yesterday. Later today, your group will have your own country. Pick/create a name for your country.

3 Best Artwork Candy Awards

4 New Groups ChadSethDanielle ZackMichael Baggott KyleKendallMatthNicoleArron HillaryMichael Brannen ShannonLaceyHaleyVirginiaBrandon Teacher Desk/ Work Area ErinMorganTaylor

5 1 st Period ChadSethDanielle ZackMichael Baggott KyleKendallMatthNicoleArron HillaryMichael Brannen ShannonLaceyHaleyVirginiaBrandon Teacher Desk/ Work Area ErinMorganTaylor

6 New Groups MeganJustinXavierAndrew PaigeCyndileeChrisCharleeRyanStacey AmandaChelseaBrettJessicaTimCourtneyKylie Teacher Desk/ Work Area ForrestLaceyAlisonJordanAvery DanielMorganEmily

7 2 nd Period MeganJustinXavierAndrew PaigeCyndileeChrisCharleeRyanStacey AmandaChelseaBrettJessicaTimCourtneyKylie Teacher Desk/ Work Area ForrestLaceyAlisonHaleyJordanAvery DanielMorganEmilyAlex

8 New Groups Dee MoriahKristenKaylaJade(Empty) DrewStevenKaraAmberBethany(Empty)Kevin HarleyJDCourtneyNickSoniaDavidMelissa Teacher Desk/ Work Area Jordan Edwards JonathanJordan Marin Andre’MandieLauren KaylaDaylanCatherinePhillipJustin RavenRyneMaggieKelsea

9 4 th Period Dee MoriahKristenKaylaJade(Empty) DrewStevenKaraAmberBethany(Empty)Kevin HarleyJDCourtne y NickSoniaDavidMelissa Teacher Desk/ Work Area Jordan Edwards Jonatha n Jordan Marin Andre’MandieLauren KaylaDaylanCatherinePhillipJustin RavenRyneMaggieKelsea

10 Words That Go With “Entrepreneur” -Risks -Profit Incentive -Innovation

11 Entrepreneurs in Haiti As you watch the video, think about/pay attention to: –The entrepreneurs’ motives for starting their businesses. –Innovations made/ingenuity shown. Questions to follow the video. video

12 It’s time for your group to run a country. Send a delegate from your group to see what kind of resources your country has. Decide “what to produce” with those resources.

13 If your resource has a star next to it: deduct 25 points from the value. So, if your card said 380*, it’s actually worth 355.

14 Clicker survey: One representative from each group should come grab their clicker.

15 1) Select the answer that reflects your country’s resources: A) Our country had 400 or more of all three resources. B) Our country had 400 or more of at least one resource, but not all. C) Our country had less than 400 of all three resources.

16 2) Select the answer that reflects your group’s decisions: A) All families in our country had food. B) Some families went without food.

17 3) Select the answer that reflects your group’s decisions: A) All families in our country had clothing. B) Some families went without clothing.

18 4) Select the answer that reflects your group’s decisions: A) All families in our country had housing. B) Some families went without housing.

19 5) Select the answer that reflects your group’s decisions: A) All families in our country had medical care. B) Some families went without medical care.

20 6) Select the answer that reflects your group’s decisions: A) All families in our country had education. B) Some families went without education.

21 7) Select the answer that reflects your group’s decisions: A) All families in our country had entertainment. B) Some families went without entertainment. C) No families had any entertainment.

22 Notes

23 Lebron Duke or the NBA?

24 A teacher who shall not be named …their story.

25 Notes

26 Assignment Don’t write your name on this paper, just your clicker number at the top. Answer the following questions: 1) If you’re in a relationship, what’s the opportunity cost to you of being in that relationship? –OR-- If you’re single, what’s the opportunity cost of being single? 2) What is an example of opportunity cost in your life, in which you’re having or have had trouble deciding which path to take?

27 Write This: Opportunity cost is not money. It’s the next best opportunity you gave up.

28 Clicker Quiz On Your Own. Good Luck!

29 1) Economists say the payment for land is called: A) parcel B) mortgage C) rent D) lease

30 2) Select the most accurate statement: A) Resources are greater than wants. B) Resources have to be physical things or items. C) Resources have to be useful to somebody. D) Resources are unlimited.

31 3) Which factor of production is Mr. Cook’s clown horn? A) Capital B) Machinery C) Tools D) Non-renewable Resource

32 4) Iron ore, (which can be used to make steel) is considered to be which factor of production? A) natural resources B) land C) nonrenewable resources D) capital

33 5) A steel pizza-cutter is considered to be which factor of production? A) capital B) machinery C) tools D) non-renewable resource

34 6) The guy pushing the pizza cutter is generally considered to be which factor of production? A) entrepreneurship B) human capital C) work D) labor

35 7) Whoops! This guy is actually the owner/founder. He is providing labor, but what other factor of production is he providing? A) capital B) entrepreneurship C) renewable resource D) creation

36 8) That pizza looks good. The various pizza toppings all came from living things, that fall under which factor of production? A) renewable resources B) life C) natural resources D) land

37 9) Why did this guy most likely start his business? A) Because he’s a sweet old man. B) Because he loves pizza. C) Because he thought he could make money.

38 10) Economists call the condition in which wants exceed resources… A) economics B) scarcity C) inefficiency D) inadequacy

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